Minions are units that comprise the main force sent by the Nexus. They spawn periodically from their Nexus and advance along a lane towards the enemy Nexus, automatically engaging any enemy unit or structure they encounter. They are controlled by artific
20 Poochy's Mix-Up N/A N/A 2020 Nintendo 21 Shadow Spotter N/A N/A 2020 Nintendo 22 Yoshi's Mix-Up N/A N/A 2020 Nintendo 23 Which Mushroom Kingdom Character Would Be Your BFF? N/A 2023 N/A Disney 24 Famicom Zenkoku Issei Quiz 2023 N/A N/A Nintendo Java...
UEFA Euro 2000 (Europe) , (France) , (Germany) , (Italy) UEFA Striker (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) Urban Chaos (Europe) (En,Es,It) Urban Chaos (Germany) V-Rally - Championship Edition 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De) Vagrant Story (Europe) , (France) , (Germany) Walt Disney World ...
UEFA Champions League 1998-1999 Unplayable Not Available Not Available Game runs smoothly on the main menu using PSX-FPKG 0.3. However, game always crashed before kick-off on every match mode. Tested on PS4 Fat 9.00. (November 2023) UEFA Euro 2000 Playable Not Available Not Available Works...
Premier League Football Manager 2001 2.53 The Italian Job 2.54 Theme Park World 2.55 This Is Football 2.56 TOCA - World Touring Cars 2.57 UEFA Euro 2000 2.58 UEFA Striker 2.59 Urban Chaos 2.60 Vagrant Story 2.61 V-Rally - Championship Edition 2 2.62 Walt Disney's World Quest - Magical Racing...