“北回归线”的英语原文是“Tropic of Cancer”。“Cancer”是天文学上的“巨蟹座”的意思。亨利·米勒自己也喜欢这个书名。因为他由此而联想到许多。他在笔记本里摘抄了古罗马讽刺小说《萨蒂利孔》中这样一句话:“我自己出生在巨蟹座下,因此我独立自主,在海上和陆地上都拥有大片领地。”蟹可以横行不羁,像征着自由...
"Rio is right-o above the Tropic of Cancer." "It covers nearly one-half of South America. It's the fifth largest country in the world!""Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese in 1500. You thought they spoke Spanish, didn't you?" "You finally made it to Rio de Janeiro. The ...
The area where the company could operate consisted of West Africa (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Cape of Good Hope) and the Americas, which included the Pacific Ocean and the eastern part of New Guinea. The intended purpose of the charter was to eliminate competition, particularly ...
2025 in Kunming, China. The conference will cover issues on Polymer Physical Chemistry Compounds, Dynamics of Polymer Melts, Interfacial, Surface and Nano-Confinement Effects, Bio-Related and Medical Polymers, etc. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results ...
"Air Drop" Last seen "Commitment" Episode count 5 Seasons Season 1Season 2 Season 3Season 4 Season 5Motion Book Captain Uttis amarineand a team leader forVulture Teamduring theliberation of Cubaagainst theGran Colombian Empire. Advertisement...
Cancer Cell (Cells at Work) Accelerator (A Certain Magical Index) Kakine Teitoku (A Certain Magical Index) Aiwass (A Certain Magical Index) Fuse KAZAKIRI (A Certain Magical Index) Index (A Certain Magical Index) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Magical Index) Shinigami (Death Note) Elizabeth Greenhou...
Revelation - Sheffield, England (Feb 22-23, 2025) - One of 4 annual Garrison Con conventions Prostate Cancer UK Games Day - Marlow, England (Feb 23, 2025) Warhammer World Anniversary - Lenton, England (Mar 1-2, 2025) Exeter Comic Con and Gaming Festival - Exeter, England (Mar 8, 20...
Regardless of the name, a 'pink' release to promote breast cancer awareness would be a good thing. It'd need to be a .10 version (October release, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month). I like "Perverse Penguin"... Imagine the logo Also, "Prodigious Penguin" or "Pragmatic Penguin" ...
Updates 2023 1/12 The following is now available: Armory Dragon Council Dragon Dowager Dragon Just Dragon Lineage Dragon Oath Dragon Old Knight Dragon Spymaster Dragon Scepter of Succession Regal Blade Family Heirloom Draconic Court January 06
Earth, in Latin known as Tellus, is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet and the fifth-largest planet in the Solar System. It is the largest of the four terrestrial planets in the Solar System. It is currently the only known object in the Un