The Boss (Saints Row 4); via SimulationJohnny Gat (Saints Row 4); via Arcane powersSean, "The Fighter" (Sifu)Twinbellows (Kid Icarus Series)Pandora (Kid Icarus Series)Phoenix (Kid Icarus: Uprising)Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus: Uprising)Fire Skylanders (Skylanders)...
Tower (create) Towering Patch of Pumpkins (create) Towering Pile of Presents (create) Towering Pillar of Beanies (create) Towering Pillar of Summer Shades (create) Toxic (create) Tracer (create) Trackman's Touchdown (create) Trade-Up (create) Trading cards (create) Trailer 1 (create) Trailer...
All articles in Russian (ru– русский);5703in total. Data as of 01:33, 14 February 2025 (GMT). See also Missing translations in Russian Missing categories in Russian Recent changes to articles in Russian List
The Guardian set foot on Mercury once more and re-entered the Infinite Forrest, which lead them to a simulation of the Red Legion invasion of Mercury, just as the Almighty was consuming the planet. Despite the Vex attempting to use the Cabal to destroy the Tree, the Guardian was able to...
He prepared by running simulations on the prison security systems, making adjustments to them based on the simulation results and had a final talk with his High Servitor, deeming it the last Warden of the Prison. He then had a final talk with Fikrul and Uldren on the day of the prison ...
The game he had chosen was a Gauntlet Knight simulation game, modeled after the actual military simulator and real-world military ships. After getting a feel of the controls, he decides to go for the highest difficulty setting: "Real Gauntlet Knight". The crowd at the game center goes wild...
Blight Control Tower Blight Destabilizer Component Recycler Storage Internal Storage Small Storage Medium Storage Large Storage Portable Transporter Item Transporter Shared Storage Drone Component Drone Port Drone Launcher Landing Pad Internal Blight Container Blight Container Small Blight Container Medium Internal...
Changed the “Crystal Clear” (Complete 3 waves of Mirror Defense) Nightwave Act name to “Mirror, Mirror”. The Act was originally named for Tyana Pass (Mars), since it was the only Mirror Defense node. Now that we have Munio (Deimos), we’ve renamed it to better encompass both! Fi...
Animation of the month November 2023 is from the interesting and very nice RPG 2D simulation strategy game Pirates! (written by: Camailleon and also provided by Werner) from the year 1987. Jodigi 02:11 02 November 2023 (CET)Over 3.000.000 visitors: We are proudly to announce, that over ...
For other uses, see MG. The MG42 (Maschinengewehr 42[1]) is a German machine gun that is featured in all of the World War II era Call of Duty installments, as well as making appearances in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Dut