↑Disney Animation Promos (April 16, 2023). "An Easter egg for Pixar’s ‘ELIO’ (2024) is featured in the official trailer of #Elemental. The movie follows 11-year-old Elio, who finds himself transported across the galaxy and is mistaken for the intergalactic ambassador of planet Earth."...
Hal Stewart, better known by his supervillain name, Tighten (alternatively spelled Titan), is the main antagonist of DreamWorks' 21st full-length animated feature film, Megamind, the first installment of the franchise of the same name. He is the former n
Alexei Dionia in Tales of Vesperia, and Rayvis in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor) in almost all appearances from Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles to Teppen, Connor Fogarty (who also voiced Hikawa in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne) in Dead by Daylight, and Craig Burnatowski in the remake...
It has been described as the loneliest whale in the world. It has been detected since the 1980s. 555 (telephone number) The telephone number prefix 555 is a central office code in the North American Numbering Plan. It has traditionally been used only for the provision of directory assistance...
Get in the White House as the VP wife. Assist her husband in usurping the President and become the new First Lady. Become the US ambassador to the UN(all succeeded). Become a U.S. Congresswoman from Texas(failed). Become the Democratic nominee for Vice presidency. ...
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah and his late wife, residing in the kingdom's lavish palace alongside her father and loyal pet tiger, Rajah, whom she found several years before the events of the film. She believed him to be a spiritual gift from her mother, who would ...
is aanimated musical comedy fantasy adventure film produced byand released by. The 35th film in theand the eighth entry of the,was directed byand. The movie is very loosely based on, more specifically the adventures of(known in the movie by hisname, Hercules), the son of. ...
The hair is not only known for its healing powers but also its length, measuring a whopping 70 feet! An evil old woman, Mother Gothel, kidnaps Rapunzel as a baby to use her power to keep herself young. Throughout her adventures, Rapunzel uses her hair in many ways, including as a ...
Completing the Mission (Ellie Rose): After escaping from The Wall things have really opened up. What is in store for her? Completing the Mission (Ellry): The Fusion of Henry and Ellie. They have the fierceness of Ellie and the luck of Henry. Profile Appearance Ellie is a young woman who...
Aurelius Dumbledore[12][13][5] (born c. spring 1900),[1] also known as Credence Barebone through adoption, was an English-born American half-blood[4] wizard who lived during the 20th century. He was the son of Aberforth Dumbledore and an unnamed woman. O