He's wearing black fingerless gloves now, instead of fishnet gloves. He can also wield a pen in his right hand and a book in his left thanks to a new toggle. The belts of his old attire remain on him, but instead of a satchel, a book is fastened to the belts. Additionally, he ...
Raymond Reddington is a main character in the NBC series The Blacklist. Raymond Reddington is an exceptionally intelligent and highly driven individual with developed sociopathic tendencies. This appears to be the product of PTSD (post traumatic stress d
Able Black Ablepsia Abnormal World: Season One Abo Khashem Abo Mando Abode Abode 2 Abomi Nation Abomination Tower Abomination: The Nemesis Project Aboo Aborigenus About Elise About Love, Hate and the other ones Above Above & Below Above - VR Above Earth Above the Fold Above: The Fallen ABRA...
If you have any good suggestions or comments during the search process, please feedback some index experience in issues. Thank you for your participation.查阅过程中,如果有什么好的意见或建议,请在Issues反馈,感谢您的参与。 - Security-List/wiki_OsintData.
He has brown eyes, black hair, a moustache and stubble on his chin. He wears an earring in his left ear and has a tattoo of his own name on the right side of his neck. His default outfit is a black and white letterman jacket with blue jeans and white tennis shoes (black in GTA ...
For the group of scientists, see Ascension Group. For the brainwashing numbers code from Black Ops, see Ascension (numbers code). "An abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome where unholy creations lurk in the shadows, and dark undead experiments run loose." — Map b
The ninja have protected Ninjago for years. We've been a symbol of hope for so many. But with the others missing, that hope had been lost. Now I see there is a reason to hope once again, because I can't do this alone. Lloyd to the Matriarch The ninja (al
Me, showing Yandere Sim to my friend for the first time... Him: *goes to sewing room* Hazu:“O-oh, I'm sorry! Am I in your way? Do you want me to leave? ...wait...you want to know if...I need help with anything? N-no, I'm fine...I mean, I'm a little thirsty,...
CJ (also known as "Cloudy J") is a recurring character on Regular Show, who made her debut in the Season Three episode "Yes Dude Yes", and later had a reoccurring role in Seasons Five and Six as Mordecai's second known girlfriend, until a love triangle b
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