灾厄盗贼制导CalamityRogueStealthStrikesOnly 跳转至创意工坊页面 灾厄盗贼制导是由灾厄开发者YuH制作的附属mod,该mod将所有盗贼武器设计成只有玩家潜行条蓄满才能发动武器,这个mod主要是为了防手滑,但是对于那些本就适合用普通攻击的盗贼武器来说相当鸡助。 修普诺斯Hypnos in Calamity Mod 跳转至创意工坊页面 修普...
在一次问答中,侠盗其实更贴近于灾厄官方对rogue的定义“劫富济贫的绿林好汉”,但由于盗贼这个版本的翻译在玩家群体已经广泛传播且长久使用,我们决定保留盗贼译名而不是更改为侠盗。 武器 查看完整的盗贼武器列表
The lastSentinel of the DevourerandExo Mechkilled will drop the Sentinels of the Devourer and the Exo Mechanical Trio lore items, respectively. The official lore of Terraria does not influence the Calamity Mod lore and it is treated as a separate canon. Trivia See Also...
The rogue prince managed to open the way but instead of his sister appearing as he believed it was her directing his actions, only a grotesque Taken creature of Riven's, the Voice of Riven, appeared in her place. However, once again due to the Guardian's actions, the Taken Chimera was...
Rogue Trooper Redux Great December 20, 2021 RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Complete Edition Great April 12, 2021 RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures Great April 12, 2021 Rolling Gunner Perfect May 12, 2021 Rolling Sky 2 Great February 7, 2020 Romancing SaGa 2 Great April 7, 2020 Romancing SaGa 3 ...
The Nanoblack Reaper is a craftable Epilogue rogue boomerang. Holding down the attack button will slowly charge the Nanoblack Reaper for 10 seconds while releasing 75 Energy Blades every second. After being charged for 10 seconds, the Nanoblack Reaper is
And so the great father's powers diminished and calamity erupted; but only when the lands began to swallow themselves did the children plead for help. Only at a time desperation and fear, did their devotion burn it's brightest. But the great father was pure and forgiving, so he sacrificed...
Summerford Farms and its expansive orange groves is one of those locations—its name is derived from the man-made crossings required when late spring runoff from Mt. O'Ghomoro causes the Rogue River to swell. — In-game description