Suddenly, the duo are attacked by a band of pirates known as the Kakamora, who sought the heart like many villains. As Maui Moana defend the boat, Heihei swallows the heart and is kidnapped by the pirates shortly thereafter. Moana asks Maui to save him and the heart, but Maui doesn't...
She wears a band in the same pattern across her right arm, held in place with two buckles. Her lapels are in the same yellow plaid, with three stars pinned to them. Her skirt is high wasted, reaching just under her bust, with two buttons on each side. The left side of her skirt ...
After saving the Dolphin Queen, the Fighting Stick Figures are attacked by a group of Drowned and escape into a cave. They find out it's the same one Orange went through, and the group reunites, now trying to get home together. Unfortunately, they are kidnapped by a band of spiders, ...
Luigi is shown to be a good breakdancer in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games; whenever he gets a gold medal, he breakdances like Sonic, and in the events Sychronized Swimming, Figure Skating, and Rhythmic Ribbon, he is shown to be flexible and a good gymnast because of his long legs...
Cheryl Marjorie Blossom is a main character on The CW's Riverdale. She is portrayed by Madelaine Petsch. Cheryl is the daughter of Penelope and the late Clifford Blossom and, as well as the twin sister of the late Jason Blossom, who suffered a tragic dem
During this time, she has her sarcastically quip about a band she likes, has her eating a protein bar that lacks flavor, and pushes her to constantly overwork herself, making her act out. Joy, Anger, Disgust, and Fear's journey to the back of Riley's mind is blocked off by the Sar...
In WarioWare: Move It!, Wario wears a different outfit during his vacation to Caresaway Island, in place of his usual biker outfit. It consists of a yellow sun hat with a brown hatband and a blue "W" surrounded by a large white outline, a short-sleeved, light blue Hawaiian shirt impr...
“We princesses have to stick together.” ―Rapunzel to Sofia and AmberRapunzel in Sofia the First.Rapunzel appears in the special "The Curse of Princess Ivy" as part of a Disney Jr. movie event. She is the first non-traditional animated princess to appear on the show and has her 70 ...
Another band Stan was in for a short time blended a weird mix of genres to form "a group of Vietnamese people having their intestines pulled out of their mouths", Moop. They did not literally sound like this, it was more of an odd mix of folk rock (Kyle), Latin jazz (Kenny), an...
He's too long put aside those he cares most for, he confesses over a bottle of rum, and he's got leagues to sail to make it right. The following morning, he's gone, leaving only a crude stick figure rendering of Eothas scrawled into the hull to mark his passage. ...