Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ist der Soundtrack zum Film Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums. Jerry Goldsmith komponierte die Musik. * Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
Star Trek Connections Star Trekseries and films Television series and related mediaStar Trek: The Original Series(TOS prose•TOS comics•TOS games) •Star Trek: The Animated Series•Star Trek: The Next Generation• (TNG prose•TNG comics•TNG games) •Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(...
Lisa Simpson's Guide to Geek Chic Star Trek: The Next Generation (Tng) is an element in Lisa's Table of Geeky Delights. References to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in The Simpsons[edit] Picture Season Episode number Episode name Reference 5 96 "Deep Space Homer" The episode title is a...
Star Trek is a science fiction franchise. The first series premiered in 1966 and ran for 3 seasons spanning over 79 Episodes. While initially unpopular and regularly threatened to be cancelled, the series gained popularity during several reruns, which th
Star Trek Federation: The First 150 Years 星際迷航中的科學 Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive 星際迷航50年服裝指南 Star Trek: Costumes: Five decades of fashion from the Final Frontier 返回【電影藝術設定集】 ...
Picard and the Enterprise crew were able to send the Heart safely though a wormhole to a distant galaxy, where the Heart would someday find a suitable planet and grow a new Guardian of Forever. (TNG novel: The Devil's Heart) Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA ...
TNG novel: To Storm Heaven TNG novel: Tooth and Claw TNG novel: Do Comets Dream? DS9 novel: The 34th Rule External links Palace article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Sci-fi Star Trek ...
Star Trek Memory Alpha Star Trek 1966-1974 TOS TAS 1987-2005 TNG DS9 VOY ENT seit 2017 DSC ST PIC LD PRO SNW Filme Der Film Der Zorn des Khan Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock Zurück in die Gegenwart Am Rande des Universums Das unentdeckte Land Tref...
When Kirk told of those events to Saavik in a briefing he mentioned that he had overheard Scotty's remarks. This prompted the embarrassed Scott to apologize for what he had said twenty years earlier. (TOS - Star Trek Annual (DC first series) comic: "All Those Years Ago...") ...
Nagilum (Star Trek: TNG) is an entity which exists outside all known dimensions of space and time, as it was described as not being there at all. The One-Above-All (Marvel Comics) meeting with Thanos and Adam Warlock outside of everything. ...