美国足科运动医学学院(The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine) 提出了基本的“三点测试方法”(Three-point Testing) 来评估运动鞋。该评估程序由西雅图的足科医生马克·里夫斯(Mark Reeves)研发,在10多年前被该学院所采用。“三点测试方法” 所指的三个点分别是评估跑鞋稳定性的三个基本标准 : 脚跟稳...
孕期体育锻炼不但会让你的宝宝有一颗更加强壮的心脏,而且有证据表明运动可以提高婴儿出生后的身体协调能力。一项发表在《运动医学与科学》(Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise) 的实验招募了71名怀孕在三个月左右健康的孕妇,实验人员将她们...
Lorenzen, C., & Opar, D. A. (2016). Short biceps femoris fascicles and eccentric knee flexor weakness increase the risk of hamstring injury in elite football (soccer): a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Spo...
每种状态的临界点与其当下对应的心率、摄氧量、通气当量、及RPE(主观疲劳程度)高度相关。现在,美国运动医学会(The American College of Sports Medicine)将说话测试列为运动处方中监控运动强度的方法之一。目前,说话测试在国外运动康复和大众健身领域已有广泛的应用。[3] 说话测试的操作方法分为两种:一般说话测试与计数...
但美国一项新研究显示,哪怕每天只跑5分钟,不论速度快慢,也可以把死亡风险降低30%。 艾奥瓦州立大学研究人员28日在《美国心脏病学会杂志》上报告说,他们对5.5万多名18岁以上成年人进行了长达15年的跟踪研究,其中24%的人业余时间经常跑步。在研究过程中,3400多人死亡,其中1200多人死于心血管疾病。研究表明,与不...
Alternative Medicine Mann Altitude Altruist's Adornment Ambassador Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat Ambush (custom map) Ambushing Ammo Ammo (Classic) Ammo Loading Amputator Angel Angel of Death Anger Animus Announcer Antarctic Eyewear Antarctic Parka Antarctic Researcher Antecedent Sapience (custom mission) ...
+20 Max Stamina Intramural Sports(+10 Max Stamina) High School Mascot It's like playing the game, but in a big hot suit, with no respect. Never did anything harder. Helpful Mockery(+5 Max Stamina) High School Teacher The pay was lousy and the hours were terrible, but ... yeah,...
June 10th, 2022 New Bloods Totems, medicine and Oblivion!Hello Clint City, We're still in a transition phase in terms of app interfaces, its optimization and intensive testing! We realize that for you this probably seems like a long progress, but it's totally necessary for a game that...
June 10th, 2022 New Bloods Totems, medicine and Oblivion!Hello Clint City, We're still in a transition phase in terms of app interfaces, its optimization and intensive testing! We realize that for you this probably seems like a long progress, but it's totally necessary for a game that...
International Journal of Sports Medicine 21: 225–227. C.J. Pike, E.R. Rosario, and T.V. Nguyen (2006). Androgens, aging, and Alzheimer's disease. Endocrine 29 (2): 233–241. E.R. Rosario, L. Chang, F.K. Stanczyk, et al. (2004). Age-Related Testosterone Depletion and the ...