移动距离取决于对话框上的数字,移动方向取决于角色的方向(一般默认为90, 则此时移动方向为向右)。若填写的数字是负数,角色就会往相反的方向移动。 右转15度 让角色向右旋转。旋转的角度取决于对话框上的数字。若填写 的数字是负数,角色就会往相反的方向旋转。 左转15度 让角色向左旋转。旋转的角度取决于对话框上的...
"Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations." -Scratch's About Page Welcome to the Scratch Wiki, a place whe
探索 当前 Advertisement 大陆简体 登录以编辑 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
You can mark something asdeletedas well. You can mark something as deleted as well. Paragraphsare created from blank lines. If you want toforce a newlinewithout a paragraph, you can use two backslashes followed by a whitespace or the end of line. This is some text with some linebreaks No...
This is the default skin for the various Scratch Wikis. Installation Download the contents of this repository and save them into $wgScriptPath/skins/ScratchWikiSkin2 (a new directory) Add the following line to LocalSettings.php: wfLoadSkin( 'ScratchWikiSkin2' ); If desired, set $wgDefault...
ScratchX is now archived and no longer supported because Adobe Flash has reached end of life. If you're interested in developing extensions for Scratch, please visit the Scratch-GUI repo as a starting point for building a local version of the Scratch editor. It can be linked to your local...
SCRATCH"BAD-GAME" ON U9,D1 SCRATCH"DATA-198*",U11 Using variables (the command is executed without a acknowledgement question): 100 MASK$="SCR*" 110 DRIVE=0 120 DEV=8 130SCRATCH(MASK$),D(DRIVE),U(DEV):PRINT"Status: ";DS$
Rin (リン Rin) is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. She is a reincarnation of Ray Akaba, as well as a dimensional counterpart of Zuzu Boyle (Standard Dimension), Celina (Fusion Dimension) and Lulu Obsidian (Xyz Dimension). She is also Yugo's chil
The #1 resource for the criminally underrated Nickelodeon cartoon! This site can tell you anything you need to know about Nickelodeon’s Catscratch characters, episodes and tons of other material. We are currently editing over 396 articles and 2,232 file
网站标题 - 个字符 Scratch Wiki 一般不超过80字符 网站关键词 - 个字符 一般不超过100字符 网站描述 - 个字符 一般不超过200字符 竞争网站 - 个竞争网站 相关子域名 11 个相关子域名 pre...