Birdo, also self-referred to as Birdetta and once by the shorthand Birdie, is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise. She is a prehistoric dinosaur, identified in some early sources as a bird, with a funnel-shaped mouth from which she...
(⌘-Shift-R pe un sistem Mac);\n* Internet Explorer / Edge: Țineți apăsat pe Ctrl în timp ce faceți clic pe ''Reîmprosptare'' sau apăsați Ctrl-F5;\n* Opera: Apăsați Ctrl-F5.", "usercssyoucanpreview": "Sfat: Folosiți butonul „...
5: as above, but including information about each piece of information handled 9: log everything, including very detailed debugging information SecDefaultAction Description: Defines the default list of actions for a particular phase, which will be inherited by the rules in the same phase and...
CJ (also known as "Cloudy Jay") is a recurring character on Regular Show, who made her debut in the Season Three episode "Yes Dude Yes", and later had a reoccurring role in Seasons Five and Six as Mordecai's second known girlfriend, until a love triangle
Fate/stay night ▾ Fate/Zero ▾ Fate/hollow ataraxia ▾ Fate/Grand Order ▾ Fate/EXTELLA ▾ Servant Casual One piece dress Winter dress White dress Artoria Pendragon (Saber)Japanese name: アルトリア・ペンドラゴン Also known as: King ArthurKing of Knights (騎士王?)Proud Knight-Ki...
2021-04-28NCF1-JP124Number Complete File -Piece of Memories-No.COMPLETEFILE-PIECEOFMEMORIES-Ultra Rare Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity 2014-02-12LVAL-KR050Legacy of the Valiant레거시 오브 더 밸리언트RareCard...
Cartaz de procurado não-canônico de Kuma em One Piece: Stampede. Personalidade Kuma é um pessoa trágica e complexa que passou por grandes turbulências e sacrifícios ao longo de sua vida que alteraram muito seu caráter geral. Embora bondoso e generoso, suas lutas e escolhas acabaram...
If you know who did a piece of art that's not credited correctly, please visit the server to let the volunteers know -- they'll appreciate it since it's sometimes not easy to track down who did what! You can also leave a reply to this thread, here on the wiki. ...
Complete the Rats job on OVERKILL or above using only the AMCAR Rifle, Chimano 88 Pistol, the Two-piece Suit and no skills. OVERDRILL "Those that say "it's only money" don't know what the hell they're sayin'." In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on...
Soon he arrives at a small town to get some rice, when he hands the lady a piece of gold to pay for it she thinks it's a fake but Jigo, a monk examines it and says it is indeed real gold, causing many people to be surprised. As Ashitaka leaves, Jigo goes with him explaining ...