During renovations of the Walt Disney Animation Studios building, beginning in 2014, Rapunzel was one of the character silhouettes featured on the wall mural. Rapunzel's statue in "Rapunzel's Enemy" was modeled after some of Glen Keane's concept art sketches. Rapunzel shares a lot of characteri...
When Goofy accidentally breaks the camera, Jasmine and many of her cohorts sadly prepare to go back inside the animation building until they hear Alan-A-Dale playing "When You Wish Upon a Star". This lifts Jasmine and everyone else's spirits where they sing the song together and successfully...
may be referring to the fact that Viridi's information (Ridley building Mecha Ridley) has been previously mentioned only in obscure online supplemental materials for Metroid: Zero Mission;[5] alternatively, he may be questioning Viridi's claim that Ridley is "officially [...] a narcissist". ...
Jekyll Now (source)– A theme and workflow for building your Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line. Barry Clark (source)– My personal site, featuring articles about how to get hired as a web developer. allenlsy – Simple, Not Easy (source)– allenlsy’s blog, about...
Its main building is located near the city's center, not too far from the Googolplex Mall, Huge-O-Records, Town Hall, and the Danville Harbor. There are many other Doofenshmirtz buildings scattered around the city including an evil annex next door to the Har-D-Har Toy Company factory, ...
Experiments' powers: While Stitch is immune to Angel and Checkers' powers since he was created after them, there are some experiments whose powers he is vulnerable to, such as Amnesio, Babyfier, Spike, Bugby, Lax, Dupe, Frenchfry, Swapper, Swirly, and Houdini. Stitch can also be put to...
When the building opened on March 7, 1963, it became 59 floors and 292 000 m2 in building the world’s largest office. Originally, the project was called Grand Central City, but the airline Pan Am took control of the building, occupying a quarter of it and renaming as Pan Am Building....
Among the characters involved with the Left 4 Dead series are a number of Non-Playable Characters that help—or, in some cases, hinder—the Survivors along the way. Often, they are either a roadblock forcing a Crescendo Event or they are a "good Samarita
And it's been here for seven generations, but, every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. [We land on two sheep grazing in the grass.] Hiccup (v.o): The only problems are the pests. (A dragon carries one sheep away. The other...
For this analysis I will assume that Milo lives in or near New York City, both for Doyleist reasons (that's where Norton Juster lived when he wrote the book) and Watsonian reasons (Milo lives in an apartment building with at least eight stories and knows what a turnpike tollbooth is). ...