全称North American P-51D Mustang初始星级 所属学联星尘联邦学院诺斯艾美里卡学院 类型轻型兵种战斗机 获取方式改造 P-51D 野马 画师:风骚华探长 声优:堀笼沙耶 DOLLS资料 终于换装了梦寐以求的帕卡德·默林V-1650-3液冷发动机、配套的汉密尔顿四叶螺旋桨、全新设计的气泡式座舱并取消了原始设计的剃刀背状背鳍。多级机...
全称North American P-51A Mustang初始星级 所属学联星尘联邦学院诺斯艾美里卡学院 类型轻型兵种战斗机 获取方式列装解禁、回收行动 P-51A 野马 画师:风骚华探长 声优:堀笼沙耶 DOLLS资料 不断进化的滞空种灾兽对白蔷薇学联造成了巨大的威胁,而现有的「飓风」以及「喷火」也面临ARMS的产量不足的情况。
Delta Flight Mirage Farina Jenius | Arad Mölders | Messer Ihlefeld | Chuck Mustang | Hayate Immelman Kingdom of Winderemere Heinz Nehrich Windermere | Gramia Nerich Windermere Aerial Knights Roid Brehm | Keith Aero Windermere | Theo Jussila | Xao Jussila | Bogue Con-Vaart | Hermann Kro...
P-47N P-51B Mustang P-51D Mustang P-51H Mustang Polikarpov I-16 PZL P.11c Re.2000 SE Bf 109F SE Bf 109G SE Bf 109K SE Fw 190A SE Meteor Mk.III SE P-47B SE P-47D SE P-47N SE P-51B Mustang SE P-51D Mustang SE P-51H Mustang SE Spitfire Mk.I SE Spitfire Mk.II SE...
A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air-to-air combat against other aircraft,[1] as opposed to bombers and attack aircraft, whose main mission is to attack ground targets. The hallmarks of a fighter are its speed, maneuverabi
FORDSHELBY GT500 27.5 P FR 4 63,100 45m(665) FORDMUSTANG GT PREMIUM 20.5 P FR 5 125 1h 15m(832) FORDGT (2005) 38.4 S MR 3 149,500 1h 45m(977) FORDSHELBY GT350R 43.6 S FR 5 350 1h 45m(1,192) FORDGT FIA GT1 53.0 R MR 2 374,600 2h 45m(1,310) ...
Fan Central Current A Man A Plan A Canal Panama Build thePanama CanalasTeddy Roosevelt A palindromic phrase used in homage to President Theodore Roosevelt, whose pet project the canal was. Addressing Gettysburg Win a regular game asAbraham Lincoln. ...
3-year-oldMustang History When she was a child, Hot Pants went to collect nuts in the woods with her younger brother. Attacked by a grizzly bear, they hid in a rock crevice. Injured and scared, Hot Pants pushed her brother out of the crevice - saving herself at the price of his life...
[00:44] <bodhi_zazen> http://www.stangnet.com/mustang-forums/images/smilies/Beating_a_dead_horse.gif 623 [00:44] <MootBot> LINK received: http://www.stangnet.com/mustang-forums/images/smilies/Beating_a_dead_horse.gif 624 [00:44] <Silver_Fox_> Heh 625 [00:44] <bodhi_zazen> I...
Just like other american aircraft, the P-51 has the best performance above 4500 m, but the optimal altitude between 4500 and 7000 m. The Mustang has very bad climb rate when stock, so it's a torture to reach altitudes, but there is no other option. 6500 m of altitude should be ...