The subject of this article is also called the Alabasta Arc. The Arabasta Arc is the eleventh story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, and both the fifth and last story arc of the Arabasta Saga. The Straw Hats finally reach the desert kingdom of Araba
Anger Foot AngerDark AngerForce: Reloaded Angle of Attack Angler's Life Angles Angry Arrows Angry Ball VR Angry Birds Angry Birds 2 Angry Birds Friends Angry Birds Reloaded Angry Birds Rio Angry Birds Seasons Angry Birds Space Angry Birds Star Wars Angry Birds Star Wars II Angry Birds VR: Isle...
circulated, and the movement makes the three foot long tongue sway. It shines past the Plexiglas, as though it were licking it. Up close, the pink fleshy tongue is covered in a thousand tiny barbs. This is the stuff of nightmares. Really fucked up nightmares. The kind serial killers have...
The Guardian set foot on Mercury once more and re-entered the Infinite Forrest, which lead them to a simulation of the Red Legion invasion of Mercury, just as the Almighty was consuming the planet. Despite the Vex attempting to use the Cabal to destroy the Tree, the Guardian was able to...
"In the embrace of great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once feared: Death." —Kulvain Hestarius of the Death Guard The Death Guard are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines. They wo
Padma was sitting with her arms and legs crossed, one foot jiggling in time to the music. Every now and then she threw a disgruntled look at Ron, who was completely ignoring her." — Ron's jealous of Hermione attending the Ball with Viktor Krum[src] Ron wearing his more traditional ...
A forest on the outskirts of Yharnam. Home to a village of those chased from the city, and the nesting grounds of a great, venomous snake. Entering the forest is forbidden by the church and no one dares go near.- pre-release information ...
The Fish-Man Island Arc is the twenty-fifth story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, both the second and last story arc of the Fish-Man Island Saga, and the second story arc of the second half of the series. The Straw Hat Pirates finally arrive at Fis
Using Element 115, Maxis and Richtofen resurrect one of the teleported corpses for the first time. Initially it obeys, but soon becomes rabid and attacks them. The test subject is euthanized." — The Zombies Chronicles timeline, about the first time Group 935 created Zombies, as heard in a...
The sorcerers of Surgub often weave Warp enchantments to levitate them several inches above the ground when they must go abroad, in keeping with a belief of their city that a sorcerer setting foot upon the earth loses their powers. The city of Velklir lies at the southern extremities of ...