《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)(又译《指环王》)是J.R.R. 托尔金创作的史诗奇幻文学作品,是其早年创作的小说《霍比特人》(1937年)的续篇,故事在写作过程中逐渐变得恢弘庞大。作品的绝大部分完成于1937至1949年,并在1954-1955年分三部[1]首次出版。 本书的英文原名指的是书中的反派索隆,他铸造了一枚至尊...
分享专辑KThe Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohi...(@网易云音乐) û收藏 20 1 ñ61 c +关注 魔戒中文wiki 12月5日 17:49 来自微博轻享版 已编辑 帮忙转个群宣:成都粉丝正在尝试组织#指环王:洛汗之战#粉丝包场活动(12月15日晚8点),目前人数还不够成团,成都...
重定向到: 索隆#别名 凯勒法恩魔戒中文维基 艾森加德的背叛-第十一章魔戒中文维基 信件57号魔戒中文维基 舒恩湾魔戒中文维基 宁达莫斯魔戒中文维基 绿丘魔戒中文维基 北方辛达语魔戒中文维基 信件13号魔戒中文维基 哈萨方魔戒中文维基 圆足家族魔戒中文维基相关链接 Tolkien Gateway 阿尔达百科 LOTR wiki 德语魔戒维基 ...
Welcome to the Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar Wiki Related Wikis: Lord of the Rings Wiki, Tolkien Languages Wiki We are currently editing over 2,314 articles. Anyone can edit and you can join. 23 December 2024 Japanese / 日本語 Important Site News LOTRO@OpenMMO has merg...
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien, which was later fitted as a trilogy. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier fantasy book The Hobbit, and soon developed into a much larger story. At publication, it was divided into The ...
Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Players will take control of one of three different heroes of the war: Eradan, the Human Ranger, Farin the Warrior Dwarf, and Andriel, the Elven Loremaster. Players will be able to play through the game alone or cooperatively with up to two others. There ...
Lord of the Rings Online Wiki 2,314 pages Explore The Puzzle-Vault Rumming's Remaining Riddle The Riddle-Game Wardspire Ered Luin Elf-ruins Exploration Spoilers Rumming's Resolute Resolve highest_ratings Newly changed The Lonely Mountain
《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings),又译《指环王》,是J.R.R. 托尔金创作的史诗奇幻文学作品。这个故事原是托尔金早年创作的儿童幻想小说《霍比特人》(1937年)的续篇,但随着故事的发展逐渐变得恢弘...http:/...
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a fantasy adventure film, directed by Peter Jackson. It is the first part of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, based on the best-selling novel by J.R.R. Tolkien. The film tells the story of young hobbit Frodo Baggins who, ...
Legacy Renewed On April 10th 2020, it was officially announced that the Lord of the Rings Mod will be gradually ported to 1.15 (and newer versions of Minecraft as they come out) alongside the release of Update 36 for 1.7.10 (which is the last major updat