Lickitung (Japanese: ベロリンガ, Hepburn: Beroringa) (LICK-it-tung[1]) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Lickitung is a pink, reptilian Pokémon with some white designs on its stomach, legs, and hands. It has a bulky body with a long
Aron (Japanese: ココドラ, Hepburn: Kokodora) (AIR-ron[1]) is a Steel/Rock-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Aron is a small quadruped Pokémon with four chubby legs and a large head, more than half the size of its body. Its body is black in col
Wailord Bergmite Avalugg Dhelmise Lapras Lunatone Solrock Mime Jr. Mr. Mime Mr. Rime Darumaka Darmanitan Stonjourner Eiscue Duraludon Rotom Ditto Dracozolt Arctozolt #376–400 Dracovish Arctovish Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Type: Null Silvally Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar Deino Zweilous Hydreigon...
Arbok (Japanese: アーボック, Hepburn: Aabokku) (ARE-bock[1]) is a Poison-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Arbok bears a resemblance to a cobra, with the majority of its body being purple. Arbok has a "hood" much like a cobra, though it has never
Come and ride in the Lord's chariot. Repent on your sins and ride with God. Time to make some filthy, FILTHY money! Time to spread the word of God! (And make some money on the side!) Verily I say unto three... GOTCHA! Welcome to the Kingdom of God. ...And which they entered...
Setona Winters (セトナ・ウィンタース, Setona Winters?) is a character introduced in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray. A young Coordinator girl who helps Jess Rabble like an assistant, does all the chores and specializes in culinary arts
After the sudden attack on PLANT by Lord Djibril's Requiem, Lacus went back to space aboard the Archangel. She joined Athrun, Kira, and Meyrin Hawke on an information-gathering mission on the Moon, where they are contacted by Meer. Even though Athrun and Meyrin thought it was a trap, La...
Ryu raised an eyebrow as Kira looked slightly bewildered "Let me get this straight, she wants me, the guy who left the EA after slaughtering lord knows how many EA soldiers at Junius Seven?" he as incredulously "IS she on something, cause I'll have what she's having." ...
Lord Djibril | Xist Elwes | Mu La Flaga | Foster | Gail | Gerard Garcia | Celestine Groht | Duane Halberton | Edward Harrelson | Miriallia Haw | Hoffman | Mudie Holcroft | Jane Houston | Sars Sehm Ilia | Rena Imelia | Joaquin | Tolle Koenig | Lucs Kohler | Vanfeldt Ria Lindsay...
Star-Lord fights Sakaarans from Thanos' army. He is almost killed by one, but his attacker is shot in the back. Quill gets up to find the shooter to be Gamora. He is confused, not knowing she is not the Gamora he knew, so when he touches her, she knees and kicks him. She ...