完美主义 (Perfectionism): 追求精湛技艺; 认可权威(通常是抽象的,像是社会规范或仪式);倾向于 “法律与秩序” (Law and Order),对原则/道德/理想有强烈的兴趣; 努力变得更好;对自己严厉地批判,认为自己的意图是高尚的因此为 (自己的) 不良行为开脱; 伪善 (hypocritical) 过度控制 (Over-Control): 在非条理清...
Sdvheadsdvhead on Discord Law and Order SV Nexus u/sdvhead content Selphselphers on Discord Extra Machine Config, Machine Terrain Framework Nexus GitHub u/zombifier25 SMAPI SevenChordssevenchords on Discord Night Shift Nexus GitHub SMAPI Shardustladyshardust on Discord Shardust's Animated...
Fred Melamed (born May 13, 1956 in New York City, New York) is an American voice actor, writer and actor. Melamed is known for appearances in TV shows such as Courage the Cowardly Dog, Childrens Hospital, USA Up All Night, Law & Order: Special Victims Un
Fat Cat is a recurring threat to law and order as it applies to both humans and domestic animals, and to the Rescue Rangers. Chip, Dale, Gadget Hackwrench, Monterey Jack, and Zipper have outsmarted him and his thugs on numerous occasions. Other...
Law & OrderWell policed by the Hellriders in the mid-1300s DR, Elturel was a very safe city for travelers. Its dockside areas were among the safest in Faerûn, thanks to their organization, the loyalty of the handlers guild, and the alert Hellrider patrols. The main threat was theft ...
Gudako (ぐだ子?), also called the Nameless Master or Master without a Name and the Female Protagonist, is one of the main characters of the Learn with Manga! FGO series. She is the Master of Berserker. Gudako is, for all intents and purposes, a "chibi" v
Additional effects added: 1t additional good all 3 cycles, and +25% productivity Fixed the inconsistent Fire Extinguisher consumption which is now 1t per cycle Reworked the item "Sunday Best Law" now providing Lifestyle Needs instead Reduced the drop chance for the High Life items "Blue Skies ...
Zootopia 2 Chief Bogo Officer Clawhauser Zootopia 2 Top Pages this Week Judy Hopps 1 Nick Wilde 2 Mr. Big 3 Gazelle 4 Zootopia/Transcript 5 You are required by law to be 13 or older when making an account on Wikia. This is passed under the COPPA policy. If you are under 13, youwill...
). It is unknown if the Sixth Law mentioned has anything to do with Magic. The Six Sisters are said to use Magic, but it is unclear whether this is meant to imply that they each use a unique Magic for a total of six. Similar effects[] While it can definitely be said that “...
Installation with pip or conda If you would like to run wikidpad from source, a version of wikidpad called wikidpadmp has been prepared. This version has been updated to run on python 3.8 and wxpython 4.2.0. In all other respects the two versions are similar. ...