1. 在 Atom 编辑器中创建 Markdown 文档,使用 ".md" 扩展名并应用 Markdown 标记语法,这些文档将存储在纯静态网页空间中,无需服务端动态语言环境或数据库。2. 利用 amWiki 插件,将 Markdown 文档一键生成为 HTML5/JS 自适应网页。3. 将生成的页面直接推送到你的 GitHub.io 项目中,实现全网...
一键生成 html5/js 自适应网页,所有文档使用Markdown标记语法并存储为“.md”扩展名文本文件,只需 ht...
The top 10 page data is fetched from Cloudflare GraphQL API via 01-fetch-top-pages.js. This is simply passed as an input to 02-write-to-wiki.sh which saves it to PopularPages page in the wiki. This is then used by {{MainPage/PopularPages}} to be shown in the frontpage. The work...
Tracking done through Zenhub - https://github.com/gtmills/phosphor-webui-vue IBM: Considering having prototype as a separate repo as opposed to having a separate branch of the current Angular.js repo Running with web sockets, will need to use https to login Shared current Login, Overview,...
Wiki.js初体验 基于NodeJS技术的开源项目Wiki.js,其界面简洁美观、权限管理灵活,支持多种编辑器、多种用户验证方式、多种备份存储方式、多种搜索引擎,支持国际化、自定义主题(Theme)、流量分析等。更多功能正在开发中,相信不久即可用。 A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on Node.js...
md5.js : encryption JS library used by multiotp.server.php - test-tokens.csv : provisioning file of test tokens + oath subfolder : contains provisioning files for oath test tokens + templates folder : all templates files needed to generate the provisioning pages from the web GUI *** *** ...
// For obvious security reasons, JS running in browser environment does not have direct access to read/writes // to local storage. Browser is sandboxed to prevent arbitrary scripts causing damage to clients. let a = document.createElement("a"); return function (data, fileName) { let blob ...
function getPagesBatch(pagesBatchRequest: WikiPagesBatchRequest, project: string, wikiIdentifier: string, versionDescriptor?: GitVersionDescriptor): Promise<PagedList<WikiPageDetail>> Parameters pagesBatchRequest WikiPagesBatchRequest Wiki batch page request. project string Project ID or project name wiki...
GitHub是一个用于使用Git版本控制系统项目的共享虚拟主机服务。它由GitHub公司(曾称Logical Awesome)的开发者Chris Wanstrath、PJ Hyett和Tom Preston-Werner使用Ruby on Rails编写而成。 GitHub同时提供付费账户和为开源项目提供的免费账户。根据在2009年的Git用户调查,GitHub是最流行的Git存取站点。[2]它提供了像feeds、...
Hello, Is it possible to create a Wiki Knowledge Base using Modern Pages with clickable tags? I was creating one using this tutorial from Gregory Zelfond and created a column using Managed Me... jagostinhoCTas far as I am aware this is not currently possible, I am ...