Well-known actor, John Wilkes Booth, has been identified as the culprit and earns his place as the most reviled villain in US history. Meanwhile, blocks away, Secretary-of-State Seward and his family have been savagely attacked by Booth’s accomplice, Lewis Powell. Soon other accomplices ...
whilst the team'sEngineer(Nikola Tesla), was forced to make do with a satchel of blueprints, rather than aPDA. Finally, theSpy(Fu Manchu) eschewed a balaclava in favor of a domino-mask and equally-sinister moustache.
President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth in 1865, the first of such in American history, by shooting him once at the back of his head with a .44-caliber model. Booth carried a knife as a backup weapon, which Scaramanga in the novel also attempted to use to finish off Bond after...
Wallis - Transgender male-to-female; the wife of Booth Wilkes-John.[71] Mr. Newbery - Transgender female-to-male, formerly known as Miss Caldecott. Transitioned during a summer vacation.[72] Hinted to be Transgender[edit] Helen Lovejoy - The Parson tells Reverend Timothy Lovejoy that he "...
在初版的工程师更新页面中,有几页笔记记载着一些很可能将林肯总统从约翰·威尔克斯·布斯(John Wilkes Booth,林肯的刺杀者)的枪口下救下来的发明,这些发明包括:一顶会自动朝袭击者开枪的帽子,一张在遇袭时会载着使用者翻下阳台逃走的椅子,以及一个传送装置。 在工程师更新的隐藏页面中,拉迪甘的样貌出现了急剧的...
Voiced Booth Wilkes-John in "Pay Pal". Katy Perry Voice of Smurfette in the two movies. Portrayed herself in "The Fight Before Christmas" via live-action recording. Joan Rivers Played a party guest as a cameo in the 2011 film. Voiced Annie Dubinsky in "The Ten-Per-Cent Solution...
Lincoln would be killed byJohn Wilkes Booththat4月14日. Many ordinary citizens wrote letters throughout the month about Lincoln's fate, and about the future of theUnited Statesand the formerConfederacy. Many letters, newspaper articles and diary entries were written by ordinary Americans — such ...
Carter and Wilkes tried to find a phone booth; they entered a store where the owner was distrustful of Wilkes due to his color. Though Wilkes was accustomed to the treatment, Carter was offended. She asked to use the pay phone outside the store, the man told her she needed to buy ...
John Wilkes Booth(who later assassinatedAbraham Lincoln), and its most famous Hamlet,Edwin Booth.[164]Edwin Booth'sHamletat theFifth Avenue Theatrein 1875 was described as "... the dark, sad, dreamy, mysterious hero of a poem. [... acted] in an ideal manner, as far removed as ...
She is, of course, a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal, but she did witness the death of her partner, Eric, died after the demon raised by John Wilkes Booth killed him beneath the Lincoln Memorial. She slowly comes to realize that there is another world, and that Crane can help...