Dorothée returns the car to her lover, a projectionist, and they watch a silent movie, starring Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina from the projection booth, which jokingly shows a woman dying. Leaving the cinema, Cléo accidentally breaks a mirror, which she claims is a bad omen. Cléo and...
Pierrot Le Fou is a 1965 postmodern film directed by the French and Swiss filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard, who was one of the founding members of the French New Wave in cinema. The name Pierrot Le Fou, or Pierrot the Sad Clown, originated with a stock character in 16th-century commedia dell'...
In the American filmDevotion(1946) byCurtis Bernhardt, which constitutes a biography of the Brontë sisters,Ida Lupinoplays Emily Brontë andOlivia de Havillandplays Charlotte Brontë. In the French filmWeek-end(1967) byJean-Luc Godard, Emily Brontë appears in a scene where one of the pr...
Although proposals will be considered for essays dealing with any auteur not covered in the first volume,* the editor will give special attention to submissions dealing with the work of the following: –Michelangelo Antonioni –Luis Buñuel –Frank Capra –Jean-Luc Godard –Abbas Kiarastomi –Hi...
·Jean Genet·Roger Gilbert-Lecomte·Jean-Luc Godard·Nicolas Gogol·Freddie Green·Che Guevara·Sacha Guitry·Mansur al-Hallaj·Coleman Hawkins·Jimi Hendrix·Billie Holiday·Harry Houdini·Milt Jackson·Ahmad Jamal·James Joyce·Franz Kafka·Oum Kalthoum·Elia Kazan·Rahsaan Roland Kirk·Akira Kurosawa...
Jean-Luc Picard • Worf • Martok • Sela • Locutus of Borg • Thaddius Deming • Hawthorne • Jal Par • Species 9341 mother entity • Spock • Toral, son of Duras • Tos'san • Oldan • DaiMon PougStarships and vehiclesSpecies 9341 ships...
(like Peter Greenaway or Jean-Luc Godard). Surveying the current cinematic “landscape” we may encounter some astonishing films that seem to have been designed on the principle of dismissing a conventional, “self-effacing” style (to use Bordwell’s term for classical cinema) in favour of ...
As such, both contributions done through Launchpad Translations, Ubuntu's online translation platform, and through external projects have been counted, as well as those contributions done in past releases that are still used in the current release. Learn in how many languages Ubuntu is available ...
OnStardate 53551.3 (July 20, 2376), theUSSEnterprise-Efound the USSRaphaeladrift nearStarbase 612following a surprise attack by theBorg Collective. CaptainJean-Luc Picardhadaway teamstransport to theRaphaeland the rest of the derelict fleet. TheRaphaelreturned to duty in time to ward off further...
Jean-Paul Baeck, Jerry Marwig, Jo van Nelson, Joachim Kerzel, Jochen Nötzelmann, Joey Cordevin, Jörg Schäfer, José Rodrigues, Julia Bautz, Kai Moosmann, Kai Schulz, Karl-Jürgen Sihler, Katharina Gast, Katrin Fiedler, Katrin von Chamier, Katrin Laksberg, Konstantina Fourkiotis, Kris...