I am Fiend Mother Harlot, Babylon the Great! Now, let us being death's banquet! Oh dear, has our fair feast reached its apex? Then tonight, let us... Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2Race Rarity Grade HP 6★ Stats Strength 91 Magic 207 Vitality 162 Agility 128 Luck 184 ...
All I have to do is study on my own! » (Rin wanting to help her father with the Holy Grail War - Fate/Zero, Episode 10)Rin appears as a minor character in Fate/Zero. She first appeared when Kariya Matou visited her and her mother Aoi. During Kariya and Aoi's conversation, it...
I am Ara Mitama! Endure, and press over forward! Do this, and victory is yours! For the forthcoming demon, to bring victory! I give you the power of anger! Devil Survivor 2Race Level HP MP Strength 22 Magic 13 Vitality 13 Agility 13 Mitama 45 290 174 Racial / Auto Skill Phys...
I'm just stuck with my family. Kill me".[18] She only liked one location in the city: "Double Dumpling", a local restaurant run by Lee.[17] By spring 100 AG, Mai was bored out of her mind, and made her displeasure known to her mother, to no avail. Thus, she welcomed the ...
Might be a skill issue but I am trying to do isolation vaults but the lvl 30+ infected are so strong like I can take on lvl 40-50 content on every other location but the damn infected in the cambion drift just don't wanna die even if I use heat (Im using slash as my main statu...
Shendu is the main antagonist of the cartoon series Jackie Chan Adventures. Shendu is a giant dragon demon and sorcerer who wants to restore his power and rule the world, as well as Jackie Chan's archenemy. He is very treacherous, manipulative and knowle
You seem to think I'm someone that's special but I'm not. I cannot protect anything that's important to me and I was unable to accomplish even one thing that I should have in this life. I am a man without any value."[50] (To Kokushibo) "My brother... we are not that great...
Raikou swore that “although I cannot become familiar with you as an older sister, I will discipline you as a mother”, and that was also her purpose in not letting Kintoki be exposed to the experience of the same solitude she had suffered. To her father, she was thrown away as ...
Mother Jones "wikiHow is the ultimate pandemic hero because it’s utilitarian, earnest...and willing to laugh at itself." - Laura Thompson Editorial Fellow,Mother Jones Featured Discussions Advice for rizzing up a girl over text Trying to up my rizz and need all the help I can get. Any...
Mother Jones "wikiHow is the ultimate pandemic hero because it’s utilitarian, earnest...and willing to laugh at itself." - Laura Thompson Editorial Fellow,Mother Jones Featured Discussions Advice for rizzing up a girl over text Trying to up my rizz and need all the help I can get. Any...