TV:龙之家族 龙之家族(House of the Dragon),是《冰与火之歌》的改编电视剧,为美剧《权力的游戏》的衍生剧前传。该剧改编自乔治·马丁的小说《血与火》,故事发生在《权力的游戏》开始前的200年,讲述了坦格利安家族的故事;坦格利安家族著名的血腥内战“血龙狂舞”也将在剧中展现。 创造过程 2019年5月4日,马...
卢斯·波顿 恐怖堡伯爵 拉姆斯·波顿 卢斯的继承人 恐怖堡的波顿家族(House Bolton of the Dreadfort)是先民的古老后裔,可以追溯到英雄纪元。他们的家徽是粉底上的红色剥皮人。[1][2]他们的家堡是恐怖堡,且是北境最有权势的贵族之一,如今更贵为北境守护。波顿家族因活剥他们敌人的皮而广为人知。[1] 根据作...
暮谷镇之乱(Defiance of Duskendale)发生在277AC,是伊里斯二世治时的重大事件。事件由暮谷镇伯爵拒绝交纳赋税并要求通过城市宪章以获得更多公民权利为起因拉开序幕,并最终以达克林家族的灭亡告终。而伊里斯国王与他的国王之手泰温·兰尼斯特公爵间因此产生了严重的隔阂。 起因 暮谷镇曾建立在黑水湾重要的港口上,...
House of the Dragon A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Known world Trending in: Pages on canon subjects, Pages needing citations, Cupbearers, and 6 more English Arya Stark Sign in to edit Arya Stark Biographical information Born 287 AC[a] (age 18)[b]Winterfell, the North[c] ...
House of the Dragon: Dark Dealings[Board Game Link] InHouse of the Dragon: Dark Dealings, players must use both their strength and their wits to emerge victorious. Will you forge alliances and honor your word...or will you betray and deceive as you strive for control of the realm?
Explore House of the Dragon A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Known world Trending in: Pages needing citations, Pages on canon media, Game of Thrones, and 2 more English Game of Thrones View source This page is about the television series. For other uses, see: Game of Thrones (...
House of the Dragon claims the ‘Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes’ Emmy Award Due to the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes, the award ceremonies got postponed as well, including the much-sought-after Emmys. The winners of some categories are announced ahead of the actual ceremony, such as the ...
戴蒙·黑火(Daemon I Blackfyre)是戴安娜·坦格利安公主和伊耿·坦格利安四世国王的私生子。[1]戴蒙发起了黑火叛乱,带领着半个王国向异母哥哥戴伦二世国王宣战,以宣称自己对铁王座的所有权,但却在战斗中阵亡。 性格与外貌 可参阅:与戴蒙·黑火有关的图片。(6张) ...
#龙王家族# 《权力的游戏》前传《龙王家族》(House of the Dragon)发布首支先导片!!!“Dreams didn’t make us kings, dragons did.”– Daemon Targaryen 讲述坦格利安家族的故事,明年见!!! http:/...
4 睡魔 The Sandman3 帕姆与汤米 Pam&Tommy2 指环王前传 The Lord of the Rings1 龙王家族 House of the Dragon L冰与火之歌wiki的微博视频 小窗口 冰与火之歌超话 û收藏 32 3 ñ29 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......