本WIKI由Kujoy-Kazuya申请于2023年02月01日创建,编辑权限开放 新闻 拉拉不然 已经发布的扩展包 想要协助完善百科?
2. 打开游戏,载入存档并另存为一个新文件,然后退出游戏。 3. 打开 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\Save Games' ,打开新创建的存档文件,搜索(CTRL-F)你征募的通用海军上将的名字 4. 在 max_traits=0.000 下面几行添加下列代码块 in_progress={ seawolf=0.000 superior_tactician=0.000 spotter...
ABOUT THE WIKI This is the Fandom Hearts of Iron Wiki, covering all aspects of Hearts of Iron, Darkest Hour, and Arsenal of Democracy! ABOUT THE GAME Hearts of Iron is a game franchise based on the Second World War made by Paradox Interactive and focuses on the main countries during the...
Hearts of Iron Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab Check out Fandom Quizzes and cha 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私...
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Their last transmissions indicate the Chapter engaging a fleet of Iron Warriors vessels, but no other trace is heard of them. The Soulmaw (956.M41) - With most of their Chapter lured away by a distress call, the Silver Skulls barely manage to resist an attack on their homeworld of ...
Current Hearts of Iron 4 patch: 1.4.3 Current Darkest Hour patch: 1.9.2 - - - - Latest Progress Report: Russia Part 2 & Central AsiaRussia Part 1Achievements Latest Minor Monday: Denmark Did you know... American Senator Huey Long is nicknamed "the Kingfish?" The Xuantong Emperor has ...
需不需要对准区块的某个位置 BV11m4y1p7ws 分享171 钢铁雄心4吧 哔哩哔哩半城樱 关于TNO模组常用的部分控制台代码〇.【授人以渔】 1.所有mod相关内容均可在对应文件夹下找到,即 X:\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod\The New Order 2.所有原版控制台指令均可在Hoi4 wiki上找到,即 https://hoi4....
Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game Arsenal: Taste the Power Arslan: The Warriors of Legend Arson and Plunder Arson and Plunder: Unleashed Arsonist ArsonVille Art Attack Art Attack: Make It! Art by Numbers Art Heist Art Of Air War Art of Boxing Art of Deception Art of Fighting Ar...
Tu'Shan Kantor·4/28/2024in General Astartes Chapters of Interest Hey everyone ! I usually dont ask questions and only read your posts/comments but I have a bit of a crisis lol . I've been checking the lore of 40k for the past year ( no painting im a sorry excuse of a painter an...