George W. Bush and Wikipedia on Decadencemartinweiss
George W. Bushis the 43rd President of theUnited States. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected onNovember2, 2004, and sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005. Prior to his Presidency, President Bush served for 6 years as the 46th Governor of the State of...
Cabal leader George HW Bush had the Republican nomination, and compromised, junior Cabal member Clinton was the Democratic candidate. Despite his corrupt stewardship of Arkansas and despite his willingness to ally himself with criminal scumbags, when Clinton did attain the presidency, his policies ...
Then George W. FUCKING Bush made what will long be regarded as one of the worst strategic errors since Hitler invaded Russia. He pulled out 90%+ of our forces out of theater so he could go dick around in Iraq. We committed one of the cardinal sins of geopolitics: we created a vacuum,...
Honorable George Bush, Vice President, United States of America, Washington, D.C. Sir: Why does it seem that you are saying "YES" to illegal narcotics in America? I turned over video tapes to your NSC staff assistant, Tom Harvey, January 1987, wherein General KHUN SA, overlord of Asia...
George H.W. Bush and I are 15th cousins once removed. Chris Garrigues is related to US President Bill Clinton. Here is the trail. Bill Clinton and I are 15th cousins three times removed. Chris Garrigues is related to US President George W. Bush. Here is the trail. George W. Bush ...
BP Cover-up Part 2: Bribery, George Bush and WikiLeaksGreg Palast
Indiana Jones is the main protagonist of the Indiana Jones franchise created by George Lucas in the 1930s. Mario was mistaken to be him by some natives in the Club Nintendo comic Mario's Picross after he accidentally broke off the Sphinx's nose. Jabbula[edit] Jabbula is an implied Jabbi...
1 Foraging XP is granted for each Blackberry collected this way. This XP stacks if multiple Blackberries drop from one bush. Unless theBotanistprofession is chosen, bush berries are always normal quality, regardless of the player's Foraging skill. (Botanists always obtain iridium quality, as with...
Knee Therapy George needs a hot pepper to soothe his aching knee. Mail, Summer 25 Bring George a hot pepper. 200g, 1 Friendship heart Robin's Request Robin needs 10 pieces of Hardwood. Mail, Winter 21 Bring Robin 10 Hardwood. 500g, 1 Friendship heart Qi's Challenge You've bee...