Friday the 13th: The Series is an American-Canadian horror television series that ran for three seasons, from October 3, 1987 to May 26, 1990 in first-run syndication. The series follows Micki and Ryan, owners of an antiques store, and their friend, Jack Marshak, as they try to recover...
•Dracula•Evil Dead•Final Destination•Frankenstein•Friday the 13th•Godzilla•Gremlins•Halloween•Horror Films•Invisible Man•Jaws•Ju-on & The Grudge•King Kong•Nightmare on Elm Street•Predator•Puppet Master•A Quiet Place•SAW•Scream•Stab•War of the Worlds...
Friday the 13th: Church of the Divine Psychopath Friday the 13th: Hell Lake Friday the 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain Friday the 13th: Carnival of Maniacs
游戏名称: Friday the 13th 中文名: 黑色星期五 中文别名: 13号星期五 开发商:Atlus 发行商:LJN 游戏平台:NES 发行于美国: February 1989 本游戏有未使用的图型. 本游戏有未使用的道具. 黑色星期五(不要和黑色星期五:游戏搞混了)是将一部恐怖片改编成家庭游戏的任天堂游戏。
This most recent try at making a Friday the 13th GTA V crossover is possibly the most impressive of them all, capturing the atmosphere and visual style of the most iconic slasher film with almost complete authenticity. It's quite ironic actually, as there isn't any slashing going on and ...
The 1981 cult classic horror movie Friday the 13th Part 2 was submitted a total of 8 times to the MPAA, being given each time an X rating. 48 seconds of violent shots were subsequently trimmed for the theatrical release. In addition, at least two scenes were shot but never included in ...
变态人引用了 1978 年的电影《月光光心慌慌(Halloween)》中的Michael Myers[1],虽然其外观更近似于《黑色星期五(Friday The 13th)》系列中的 Jason Voorhees。 因为某些原因,虽然它遵循的是 战士 AI,但变态人不会开门,也不会和门互动。参考↑ ...
A stallion in the corn maze is dressed asJason Voorhees, the main antagonist of theFriday the 13thslasher film franchise. Harry's costume is an allusion to the Gill-man from the 1954 monster filmCreature from the Black Lagoon. Two ponies are seen dressed up as Sailor Moon and Jem from th...
陷阱杀手 was inspired by Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise. 陷阱杀手 mask might be inspired by the mask of the Babyface Killer from the 2009 movie The Hills Run Red, as both are cracked and resemble a human face. Some renderings of 陷阱杀手 without his mask on can be fou...
Roscoe Wiki - Friday The 13th (Explicit) 专辑: 90BM (Explicit) 歌手:Roscoe Wiki 还没有歌词哦Roscoe Wiki - Friday The 13th (Explicit) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Friday The 13th Roscoe Wiki 03:12Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 ...