‘FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE’由开发1997年于PlayStation®发售的‘FINAL FANTASY VII’主要原班人马精心打造。 因为壮大的剧情与充满魅力的角色,以及运用当时最先进技术制作的画面,而深受众多玩家喜爱的不朽名作,如今将重生为“全新故事”。 指令式战斗融合操作直觉的动作系统,衍生出更丰富的战略性,并运用现代CG技术...
最终幻想VII(1997)·REMAKE(2020)·REBIRTH(2023)|降临之子(2005)|危机之前(2004)|核心危机(2007)|地狱犬的挽歌(2006)|永恒危机(2023)| 终极命令(2005)|单板滑雪(2005)|地狱犬的挽歌:失落乐章(2006)|G摩托(2014)|最终幻想VII:The First Soldier(2021) ...
Dissidia Duodecim Prologus Final Fantasy Dissidia Final Fantasy NT CITAZIONI FAMOSE Basta chiacchiere! Combattiamo da uomini! E donne! E donne vestite da uomini! È tempo che Gilgamesh... si trasformi! —Gilgamesh IMMAGINE DEL MESE Sephiroth,Final Fantasy VII Remake ...
PS5版本的DLC—尤菲篇部分以后有机会再补了。(等一个白嫖或骨折) 《最终幻想7 重制版|Final Fantasy VII Remake》中文维基攻略 游戏官网:https://www.jp.square-enix.com/ffvii_remake 游戏名称 游戏平台 语言版本 奖杯成就 备注 最终幻想7 重制版Final Fantasy VII Remake PlayStation 4 (独占1年多)PlaySta...
Mako─the lifeblood of the planet and the fuel that powers the city of Midgar... By exploiting this resource through their Mako Reactors, the Shinra Electric Power Company has all but seized control of the entire world. A ragtag group of idealists, known as Avalanche, are one of the last...
FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth is Part 2 of the Final Fantasy VII Remake series. It features about 3 times more content and playtime than Remake Part 1, consisting of a lot more minigames, more quests, more collectibles, more bosses, a longer story, and a bigger open world. There are 14 ...
FF7 REMAKE合作卡片(最高可升级至★5)图片名称范围及效果 克劳德:FFVII REMAKE(暗) 暗属性全体攻击+击溃防御力下降 (以下为最高数据) COST:x4 攻击力:660 击溃力:840 爆击率:★ 巴雷特:FFVII REMAKE(光) 光属性全体攻击+防御无效(阻防御) COST:x4 攻击力:660 击溃力:840 爆击率:...
目前 技能名稱 待補 技能效果 火的全體攻擊 額外技能 /覺醒技能 覺醒條件2效果於擊潰狀態中,對於弱點屬性的傷害+25% 覺醒條件4效果有50%的機率出現1個同屬性,若為弱點屬性攻擊則為100% 覺醒條件6效果攻擊弱點屬性,對擊潰條的攻擊效果+20% 覺醒條件8效果可以造成9999以上的技能傷害 ...
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second part of the three-part Final Fantasy VII remake project, whose goal is to remake the 1997 RPG Final Fantasy VII. The game follows Final Fantasy VII Remake and is the second of three parts, released on Feburary 29, 2024 for the PlayStation 5.[1...
The Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack Plus is a companion soundtrack compilation for Final Fantasy VII Remake. It consists of music used in the game that did not appear on the original soundtrack album. Despite the release of the Final Fantasy