此模块的文档可以在模块:IconCY/data/doc创建 local IconData = { ["Items"] = { ["Handle"] = { icon = "GenericWeaponHilt.png", title = "Handle", name = "握柄", }, ["Head"] = { icon = "GenericWeaponBlade.png", title = "Head", name = "锤头", }, ["Pouch"] = { icon ...
此模块的文档可以在模块:Vendors/data/doc创建 -- TODO: Since we do not want to store image data here, updating this database is blocked -- by creation of new databases for Sigils, Captura Scenes, Decorations, and other items (relic packs, specters, emotes) -- unless we standardize how ...
Ye be a gentleman o' fortune, fightin' and carousin' on the high seas, out fer booty and lassies! Ye no be answerin' to no man or blasted monarchy and yer life ain't fer the lily-livered. Aye, matey! Way of the Shaman ...
"Effective at close to medium range, with greater hip fire accuracy and faster movement speed." — Category description in Call of Duty: Ghosts. A Submachine Gun, often abbreviated as SMG, is a type of weapon in the Call of Duty series, appearing in all
El arco de Zou es el vigesimoctavo arco de la serie y el primero de la saga de Whole Cake Island. Tras la derrota de Donquixote Doflamingo, los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja, Trafalgar Law y Kin'emon continúan su viaje hacia Zou para encontrarse con los d
A'shran ( Bouclier-des-Tempêtes • Fer-de-Lance)Crête de Givrefeu • Flèches d'Arak • Gorgrond • Jungle de Tanaan Nagrand • Talador • Vallée d'OmbreluneListe des catégories Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence CC-BY-SA. 3 ...
Lance - D Naginata Fer Technique Personnelle DiapasonEn utilisant la commande du même nom, les unités dans un rayon de 2 cases qui ont moins de PV que le lanceur regagnent 10% de vie Stat de croissanceEn fonction du père Options de classesModèle...
When upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch Machine, it becomes the Lance a Lot, garnering an increased penetration capability, thirty additional bolts in reserve, and an increased reload speed. As a result of these new benefits, the Lance a Lot becomes an extremely potent weapon when paired with the...
"Effective at close to medium range, with greater hip fire accuracy and faster movement speed." — Category description in Call of Duty: Ghosts. A Submachine Gun, often abbreviated as SMG, is a type of weapon in the Call of Duty series, appearing in all
Bloc de pierre actif Grille Fléchette Super fléchette Lance Boule à pointes Flamme Coupe de golf Blocs de minerais Normal : Cuivre Étain Fer Plomb Argent Tungstène Or Platine Démonite Carmitane Météorite Obsidienne ...