先进的技术 Brainiac(DC Comics)拥有如此先进的技术,以至于它可以利用并复制魔法领域的影响,甚至可以自己窃取它。 力量/能力: 具有高度先进的技术。 任何足够先进的技术都与魔法没有区别。 亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke) 创建和/或使用先进技术的能力。超级科学和技术结构的子功率。 也被称为 超级技术 卓越的技术...
任何足够先进的技术都与魔术没有区别。 亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke) 创建和/或使用先进技术的能力。超级科学和技术结构的子功率。 也被称为 超级技术 卓越的技术 功能 用户可以构建,拥有,获取和/或找到非常出色的技术,包括技术进步和武器,人工增强,基因工程,神级的机械等。该技术是如此强大它可以控制所有现实,...
2001: A Space Odyssey Wiki is an Arthur C. Clarke’s Space Odyssey community. Explore the worlds of 2001, 2010, 2061, and 3001 that anyone can edit.
Mysterious world is a new wiki dealing with all aspects of the strange and unexplained phenomena of the world. The name was inspired by the excellent Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World[1]TV series. Join in and contribute to our site! Ghosts are the repo
1945年,英国科幻小说家亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)在一篇题为Extra-Terrestrial Relays – Can Rocket Stations Give Worldwide Radio Coverage?的作品中针对“地球同步轨道”这一概念做了进一步推广,并在《无线世界》(Wireless world)杂志上发表。克拉克最初将其描述为“对广播和中继通信卫星有用的轨道”,并将其...
Arthur shares his English voice actor,Cam Clarke, with MaleCorrin,HinataandAnankos' human form. Arthur's birthday is the same date Fire Emblem Fates was first announced. Arthur was voted the 19th most popular male on Nintendo's officialFatescharacter poll. ...
“I am who I've always been: Destroyer of Evil, Champion of the Weak! I am Arthur! The Hero of Justice!”—Arthur during his C-Support with 艾丽泽 哈洛德(Arthur、ハロルド) 是以下游戏中可使用的角色:圣火降魔录if and an ally on the Conquest and Revelation routes. ...
Otsuichi, inspired by Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End, proposed the essence of Ultraman, and from this starting point, he conceived the "Little Star" concept. He wrote the scripts for the opening and the last 10 episodes of the series under his real name, Hirotaka Adachi. The Ultraman...
Clarke (NPC) Female 30 A Place Beyond Time Clarke (NPC) Female 30 Henesys Clock Tower Claudine (NPC) Male 10 Fusion Core Laboratory Cleansing Flames (NPC) N/A 20 Darkmist Path Cliffine (NPC) Female 30 Turtcoli Beach Coco (NPC) Female 10 Black Market Codea (NPC) Female 10 Tria, Lu...
Clarke C. Arthur ;) Here will take a look at how Typhoon assemblies are instrumented at run-time to allow the following feature: Before activation your assemblies return an instance of TyphoonDefinition After activation an instance built according to the rules in the definition is returned. #...