Ace of Spades 名称 Ace of Spades 类型 近战武器 伤害 150 射速 92发/分钟 移动力 100% “致命的园艺工具。提前将对手的坟墓挖好。” ——游戏内描述 多人联机 Ace of Spades铁铲是一把DLC武器,需要玩家从黑市补给箱中抽取才能使用。 该武器属于一击必杀的近战武器,和战斗匕首类似,但样式不同。 折叠 ...
Ace of Spades铁铲是一把DLC武器,需要玩家从黑市补给箱中抽取才能使用。 该武器属于一击必杀的近战武器,和战斗匕首类似,但样式不同。 折叠 《使命召唤:黑色行动3》武器、配件、装备 微型冲锋枪 Kuda、VMP、Weevil、Vesper、Pharo、Razorback、HG 40、DIY 11 Renovator、HLX 4、PPSh、AK-74u、XMC、Sten 突击步枪...
黑桃A(Ace of Spades) 是一个胎衣†中加入的卡牌。 效果
黑桃A(Ace of Spades) 是一个重生中加入的饰品。 效果 当角色清理房间后,有10%的概率将基础掉落物替换为一张卡牌。 当角色打开箱子、摧毁赌博机、预言机、标记岩石,有概率在奖励中额外添加一张卡牌。[需要确认概率] 箱子中出现卡牌的概率上升。[需要确认概率] 预言机中出现卡牌的概率上升。[需要确认概率] 轶事 ...
Ace of Spades is a Exotic Hand Cannon introduced in The Taken King as a Hunter-exclusive Exotic and the signature weapon of the Vanguard Hunter Cayde-6. It is obtained by reaching Rank 3 Gunsmith reputation with a Hunter and completing the "Back in the Saddle" quest. It was reintroduced ...
Ace of Spades -Motörhead - Activated by pressing the use button on three playing cards across the map.RevelationsThe Gift - Kevin Sherwood and Elena Siegman - Activated by pressing the use button on three teddy bears around the map.Call of Duty: Black Ops IIIIVoyage...
For the spin-off, see Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. "A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history doesn't make it the truth. We live in a world where seeing is not believing, where only a few know what really happened. We live i
King of Spades 39500 Chips King of Diamonds 41100 Chips King of Clubs 42500 Chips King of Hearts 40100 Chips Ace of Diamonds 60555 Chips Ace of Clubs 59444 Chips Ace of Hearts 61666 Chips Ace of Spades 62777 Chips Purple Joker 38500 Chips Green Joker 36600 Chips Red Joker 40...
Ace of Spades Set2 / 3 armor Oct2018 13 SoftBlueSuit Blue is a calming colour. So calming, some even wear this soft outfit to sleep... zZz. Blue Loungewear Set2 / 3 armor Nov2018 10 5 SoftGreenSuit Green is the most refreshing color! Ideal for resting those tired eyes... mmm...
Ace of Vase Plants vs. Zombies Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition Origins Its name could be a reference to the Swedish pop groupAce of Base. It could also reference the "ace of spades" playing card. Additionally, the name could be based on ...