The Wii U is a home video game console developed by Nintendo as the successor to the Wii. Released in late 2012, it is the first eighth-generation video game console and competed with Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4.
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Price when purchased online The Smurfs 2 - Nintendo Wii-U Add $4495current price $44.95The Smurfs 2 - Nintendo Wii-U EveryoneMore results(292) Smurfs: Dance Party (Wii) Add $2107current price $21.07Smurfs: Dance Party (Wii) 94.9 out of 5 Stars. 9 reviews Everyone The Smurfs 2:...
Wii U Basic Pack: Depending on the Wii U hardware pack you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download this game from Nintendo eShop.Games by the bucketload Nintendo eShop is your one-stop shop for downloading software on Wii U. Whether you're lookin...
2022年3月,任天堂宣布:他们即将在1年后(2023年)彻底关停历史悠久的3DS和Wii U游戏商店。两款主机都...
The Wii U is an eighth-generation home video game console produced by Nintendo as the successor to the Wii. It is Nintendo's first home console since the Super Nintendo Entertainment System to share a portion of its name with its predecessor. During...
本吧热帖: 1-大家不要更新!!!你好,201 2-第一次玩杯子,入手白丝壁女之后,说说我的使用感受 3-wiiu amora 破解·安装汉化 GBA VC失败 4-收一台折腾wiiu 5-91论坛已经有zsun的破解教程了 6-内存 封包修改定制 7-wup装游戏出错,怎么解决 8-求大佬帮忙看看啥原因 9-wiiu
理论上,这些游戏也存在于 Switch 里,但都只出现在 Nintendo Switch Online 的经典游戏库里,如果你的订阅服务到期,就会失去访问权限。你不是真正拥有这些游戏,这一点总是令我感到不快。就像 Wii U 的经历一样,总有一天任天堂会停止 Switch 的在线服务。到了那个时候,也不知道经典游戏库会何去何从。而虽说 Wii ...
Wii U Luigi(9) Uses external data. Price when purchased online Nintendo New Super Luigi U (Wii U) $4436 current price $44.36 Nintendo New Super Luigi U (Wii U) 173.9 out of 5 Stars. 17 reviews Everyone 10+ New Super Luigi U (Console Not Included) [Nintendo Wii U] ...
Not a fan of Switch Online, huh? Before Nintendo Switch Online, there was Virtual Console. Available on the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U, the Virtual Console was effectively a line of purchasable retro games available via the Wii Shop Channel and eShop. Unlike Nintendo Switch Online, which offers ...