Wii U Menu 5.5.2 files for Cemu 1.11.4Smash Tour Fix/Mii data Cemu 1.12.2d我用single-core recompiler,并且关闭 online mode, 但运行到最后一步的时候就死机了。https://i.imgur.com/tMxcqWG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/tssw2dG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/AlFsICn.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BHaAVKR....
edited I would love for cemu to be able to change and edit the user mii, i dumped all my account data and would love to be able to change my user mii inside cemu Wii U Menu 👍1Timberfang reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍
this emulator has garnered significant attention for its ability to emulate the Wii U’s hardware and software environment with remarkable accuracy. At its core,Cemuserves as a bridge between the Wii
Cemu’s Wii U emulation efforts have moved quickly since 2015, when theemulator struggledto load past menu screens. Less than a year later, the emulator was capable of runningMario Kart 8to near perfection. Exzap, a developer for Cemu, previouslyexpressed concernsabout attaining optimal resolution...
The mario kart include new racing circuit designs and anti-gravity karts that will have players driving upside down. The return of 12-player online co-op play, hang-gliders, underwater racing and motorbikes. Screenshots: WII U (Loadiine) Games also Playable on PC withCEMU WII U Emulator ...