Wii U Menu 5.5.2 files for Cemu 1.11.4Smash Tour Fix/Mii data Cemu 1.12.2d我用single-core recompiler,并且关闭 online mode, 但运行到最后一步的时候就死机了。https://i.imgur.com/tMxcqWG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/tssw2dG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/AlFsICn.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BHaAVKR....
大佬们,有没有wiiu men大佬们,有没有wiiu menu的运行文件?(wiiu系统菜单,希望那种可以模拟器直接运行的)做性能测试用
wiiu 中文游戏133个合集 附带目录+模拟器+游戏转换器133个游戏都是WUP格式, 可以实体机直接安装,没有解压密码。 然后附带格式转换器,可以转换成LOADIINE格式,这样就可以用PC模拟器打开。 PC模拟器要求7代酷睿或者同等级性能的CPU,显卡1050以上,内存8G以上,就很流畅了。 地址有个TXT目录,文件比较多,可以只选自己喜...
edited I would love for cemu to be able to change and edit the user mii, i dumped all my account data and would love to be able to change my user mii inside cemu Wii U Menu 👍1Timberfang reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍
Nintendo's current online shop service, first released on the Nintendo 3DS, is also present on Wii U. The Nintendo eShop was first made available on the system through a system update released on launch day via a wireless Internet connection. With the eShop, users can download exclusive Wii ...
闲鱼购买wiiu,用的是haxchi破解,现在无法进HBL模式,看了网上的攻略 先点开HAXCHI图标,再长按A,可总是显示-3,插U盘和不插U盘都试过了。就是想装一点其它的游戏,希望各路大神支个招。 laodadire 9-20 5 小白求助:入手了一台wiiu,已学会网页破解,游戏装在外接的 kill_alla 小白求助:入手了一台wii...
When 8-bit Mario reaches this block, he would jump and hit it multiple times and continue to do so until the download was complete. Sometimes, Fire Mario would have appeared instead of regular Mario. When this happens, one could have made Fire Mario shoot fireballs while the download ...
在Wii U菜单里启动 PayloadLoader Installer(这是在安装好并进入aroma环境后才会有的图标) 按A 选择 “Check(检查)”。 选择Boot options(启动选项)。 程序会询问你是否要切换启动的 title。按 A选择切换回 Wii U Menu (系统原生菜单界面) 过程结束后按 A 关机。
在 Aroma Boot Selector 界面,选中 Wii U Menu(菜单),然后按 Y 将其设置为默认的启动选项,然后按 A 继续。你可以在 https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/ 下载 Homebrew App Store 并且安装以便于你找到各种自制程序。下载 wiiu-extracttosd.zip 之后,把文件内容解压到 SD 卡的根目录,...