wiiu cemu模拟器目前只支持wud格式的wiiu游戏rom,并且每个游戏均对应唯一的wud keys title id,我们必须通过添加这个id才能正常运行游戏。许多玩家表示在网上很难找到某个游戏具体的keys,我们k73为大家整理的这个txt包相信能够满足你的要求了。
Create controllerProfiles folder in your Cemu folder, then copy my txt file into there. go to Options > Input settings, choose test from the Profiles drop-down menu. Then click Load. Remember how keys are pressed, then close the window. Now you can load the game from the ...
Dolphin emulator has many settings and functions, is quite reliable, there are very rarely crashes and drops in frame rate with Dolphin. All this allows this emulator to outperform its competitors. Most users appreciate this Wii emulator for PC because they can match their keys, check frame rate...