众所周知,WiiU的主机锁区,然后游戏也锁区。现在看来任天堂又在锁区的路上更近了一步;连Pad也锁区了。就我们所知,任天堂的这个创举在游戏史上绝对是前无古人后无来者,念天地之悠悠 独任饭而涕下。 Nintendo currently only sells the GamePad separately in Japan, but will start selling them individually in...
台Wiiu和Wii⽀持WiiU Gamepad 功能:全速从USB设备或者SD卡运⾏游戏仅仅⽀持fat32分区格式 可以运⾏ 1:1 或者压缩的 .ISO 光盘镜像 运⾏在 Wii和Wiiu的 vWii 系统中 加载游戏作为扩展⽂件FST 记忆卡模拟 使⽤真实记忆卡(Wii only)GBA-Link cable (Wii only)HID ⼿柄USB⽀持 使⽤HID⼿...
The Wii U GamePad is a new controller exclusively for Wii U, which removes the traditional barriers between games, players and the TV by creating a s
Connection Compatible Nintend Wii U 1. Power on the Console and there's a red button 2. Press the red button on the console unit first, then press the red button on the back of the gamepad to match 3. The gamepad only lights up one light to prove that it has been matched successfull...
Connection Compatible Nintend Wii U 1. Power on the Console and there's a red button 2. Press the red button on the console unit first, then press the red button on the back of the gamepad to match 3. The gamepad only lights up one light to prove that it has been matched successfull...
Please be aware that the Wii U console and Wii U GamePad should only be operated with a thoroughly tested, safe AC power adapter.
pc的usb手柄,属于USB-HID手柄手柄配置文件用controller_Genreic_USB_Gamepad_PID=0079_VID=0006.ini,就可以 4楼2016-02-03 18:17 收起回复 assholeteacher 鉴定师 11 附nintendont支持的手柄类型:支持如下NGC手柄 (仅指工作于Wii上):· 官方NGC手柄· 波鸟无线手柄,在HBC运行Nintendont之前就要把手柄接好打开...
回望NS主机的成功,后续游戏机自然令人期待。不过外媒The Gamer发文表示,任天堂需要把握住NS 2主机的定位,不要再重蹈Wii U主机的覆辙。 The Gamer表示,Wii U的定位就让人困惑,虽然它能在家里靠GamePad便携玩游戏,但它不如后来的NS一样能当做“纯掌机”游玩,没有那么大跨步跃进,扩展玩家的游玩场景。而新增的GamePad...
THE New Super Mario Bros. U FEATURES: Up to five players can jump into the fun, with up to four people using Wii Remote controllers and one on the Wii U GamePad Boost Mode also makes cooperative speed runs possible for the first time ...
Wii U GamePad Multiplayer Gameplay Modes Cooperative, Online Multiplayer Age Group Teen Minimum Number of Offline Players 1 Maximum Number of Online Players 1 Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) 7.50 x 5.50 x 0.50 Inches Release Date ...