This discount is valid through11:59 p.m. PT, October 1, 2017. This non-transferable discount entitles you to receive a one-time 20% discount off the purchase price ofMario Kart ™ 64 (Wii U)from Nintendo eShop or Game Store (where available). ...
This discount is valid through11:59 p.m. PT, October 1, 2017. This non-transferable discount entitles you to receive a one-time 30% discount off the purchase price ofMario Party™ 10 (Wii U)from Nintendo eShop or Game Store (where available). ...
There's plenty in store As well as being chock-full of the hottest games to download, Nintendo eShop on Wii U also lets you check out videos, read user ratings, and much more.Take your game online Take on other players from all over the globe through Nintendo Network. Look for the Nin...
Nintendo eShop (Wii U) Maak een ontdekkingsreis in een wereld vol avontuur in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, een grensverleggende, nieuwe game in de bekroonde serie. Terraria Geef je eigen avontuur vorm in Terraria, een open 2D-game met eindeloze mogelijkheden op de Wii U....
美版商店 4. Metroid Prime Trilogy - WiiU (Wii 欧美限定) 银河战士Prime的3部曲合集,在Wii上改造了操作,用WiiRemote瞄准射击。实体版比较贵且没有日版,推荐入手下载版。虽然Switch上一直放出有这个3部曲合集的复刻,但谁想到年初只有1代复刻发售了。不知道以后还会不会出合集。也算是比...
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iPad iPhone 描述 This is an APP dedicated to connecting game peripherals, through Bluetooth connection, the game peripherals can play mobile games. 版本紀錄 2024年10月18日 版本4.2.50 fix bugs App 私隱 開發者表明Shenzhen Geekgamer Innovation Technology Co.,Ltd.的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情...
本吧热帖: 1-wiiu吧交易贴 2-有哪些好用的国产手柄是支持wiiu连接的? 3-有没有大佬鉴定下这些手柄是不是原装 4-wiiu还有什么好玩的吗? 5-wiiu可以玩的所有足球游戏有哪些? 6-日版机如何改到1区 7-求wiiu的just dance舞力全开2021 8-旷野之息DLC 9-想问一下现在wii的牛角
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