The following is a list of games released for the Wii U. This list only includes games released in retail outlets. For a list of games on the Wii U eShop, see the List of Wii U eShop games. 111 games were released in Japan. 169 games were released in Nor
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Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria WII U ISO (Loadiine) (USA) Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies Wii U ISo EShop (Loadiine) Dreamals Dream Quest WII U ISO (Loadiine) (USA) Dreamals WII U ISO (Loadiine) (USA) ...
The 3DS and Wii U eShop services are shutting down at the end of this month and that means you've only got so much time left to buy all of the digital games you possibly can on Nintendo's older storefronts. YouTuber, streamer and video game media personality Jirard "The Completionist"...
Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails by Dakko Dakko Ltd. Shovel Knight by Yacht Club Games Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party by KnapNok Games A World of Keflings by NinjaBeeWatch out for these games on the eShop, on both the 3DS and Wii U, over the coming year.Follow...
由Ambertail Games开发,Team17发行的模拟经营类游戏《琥珀岛(Amber Isle)》宣布将登录Steam与Switch平台,发售时间暂未公布。目前《琥珀岛》在Steam的页面已放出,Switch eShop商店暂无页面。 本作在Steam平台介绍中显示支持简体中文,Switch是否支持中文暂时未知。感兴趣的玩家可以先点击下方Steam商店地址进行查看。
The Wii U has officially found its way into the homes of thousands of gamers and it seems like Nintendo is doing all they can to deliver games to keep us entertained. "Zen Pinball 2" looks to be next on the list, headed to the eShop later this month as a free download, complete wit...
PSA You Only Have One Week To Purchase 3DS And Wii U eShop Games Can we panic yet? March 27th, 2023. Judgement Day. The day when Skynet will rain nuclear fire upon the earth and send a Terminator back in time to... Hang on. Sorry, wrong script. Two secs... March 27th, 2023. ...
Wii U eShop Wii U Virtual Console 3DS eShop 34 Feature The Nintendo Life Crypt of Downloadable Horrors II: The Bloodening So many ruined SD cards... It's the time of year during which a lot of people skulk around yelling "Boo!" As a video games review website, however, we prefer...
There are many examples of this, but the Wii U eShop is a perfect one. Many games on this list never got a physical release, meaning they only exist on the eShop. And once the eShop is gone, so are they. The Wii U eShop is not the only victim in this situation. The 3DS eShop ...