Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Wii U Game) first released 18th Nov 2012, developed by Treyarch and published by Activision.
近日,又一款3A大作被确定不会登陆WiiU平台,那就是备受期待的《使命召唤11:高级战争(Call of Duty: Advanced Wafare)》,开发商Sledgehammer Games在推特上明确表示这款游戏不会登陆WiiuU,彻底断了任天堂主机爱好者的念。 如上所示,在被问及《使命召唤11》是否会登陆WiiU平台时,开发商表示不会,并进一步指出这是发...
Wii U版本《使命召唤11:高级战争》泄露: 早先公布的《使命召唤11:高级战争》预定将登陆PS3/PS4/PC/Xbox One及Xbox 360平台,官方网站上也只显示了5个平台,在预购网页上也没有任何关于Wii U版本的消息,但是当我们进一步进入页面的源代码页面,我们可以看到Wii U的标志。如果说动视方面不准备开发Wii U版本,为何还...
The Wii U version of Black Ops 2 is a perfectly capable and competent port of the Xbox 360 and PS3 game. It looks great on Nintendo’s new system, and other than a few things that didn’t make it in, it matches the other versions feature for feature. It even makes great use of ...
Grabbed by the ghoulies - With all of the noise made in the wake of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's success — everything from sky-high sales figures to un...
In completely unsurprising news, Activision has finally announced that Call of Duty: Ghosts is also coming to the Wii U. The Wii U version will ship out on November 5th and will feature “Wii Remote and second-screen Wii U GamePad support”. ...
近日,又一款3A大作被确定不会登陆WiiU平台,那就是备受期待的《使命召唤11:高级战争(Call of Duty: Advanced Wafare)》,开发商Sledgehammer Games在推特上明确表示这款游戏不会登陆WiiuU,彻底断了任天堂主机爱好者的念。 如上所示,在被问及《使命召唤11》是否会登陆WiiU平台时,开发商表示不会,并进一步指出这是发...
Activision finally confirmed that Call of Duty: Black Ops II is coming to Wii U at the Nintendo Direct event today in New York City. Although there have been various rumours since the game was announced for other platforms earlier this year, this is the first time Activision has officially ...
纵观当今的次世代主机,最不受人待见的还是任天堂Wii U,许多我们耳熟能详的人气系列新作统统没能登陆该平台,让不少任饭失落不已。不过现在,有消息支持,动视的《使命召唤》系列新作《使命召唤12:黑色行动3(Call of Duty: Black OPS III)》或许要登陆Wii U平台了!
开发商确认《使命召唤..动视旗下的大锤工作放弃了任天堂的WiiU。称今年的射击游戏大作《使命召唤11 高级战争》(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)不会登陆WiiU。 大锤工作室联合创始人Mic