Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (Wii U Game) first released 13th Nov 2015, developed by Nintendo and published by Nintendo.
Amiibo: Animal Crossing Series- Celeste for Nintendo Wii U info: We aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. See our disclaimer Specifications Video Game Platform Nintendo Wii U Brand Nintendo Video ...
Long car journeys went by in an instant as you scoured the land for fruit and shells to sell, and all-around a good time was had; yet the reasoning why Nintendo decided to release it on the Wii U is a mystery. The basic premise is just like every Animal Crossing game to date: you...
SuccessorWii U TheWiiis a home video game console made byNintendoand released in 2006. Its controller, the Wii Remote, has an accelerometer and infrared sensor that are used in its games to detect motion.Animal Crossing: City Folkwas released for the Wii in 2008. Additionally,Super Smash Bro...
据传,任天堂或推出《动物之森》(Animal Crossing)Wii U版,计划明年发布。任天堂在Miiverse公布了关于关闭 Animal Crossing P
said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America?s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. ?We?re always on the lookout for new ways that our fans can interact with their favorite game series, and Animal Crossing Plaza extends the fun of the infectious series to Wii U.?
03-Animal Crossing: Sweet Day- 这片被咬了一口的小叶子是《动物之森》的徽章,这是一个五人追逐小游戏,其中四个玩家将穿上动物外套,使用Wii Remote需要在屏幕上四处奔跑,从大树上收集糖果。与此同时,第五名玩家需要使用Gamepad的两个摇杆同时控制两个不同的护卫犬,标记和追捕的抢糖果的这些小动物。
joystick Platforms WiiU · 3DS play_circle Videos Gameplay open_in_new Reviews open_in_new 游戏介绍 Welcome to the friendly village of Animal Crossing! Every player's village is unique and it's up to you to decide how you spend your time there, and which characters you befriend. 信...
此系列的续作《皮克敏3》为Wii U平台的游戏。 26、去城市吧 动物森林 日版名:街へいこうよ どうぶつの森 美版名:Animal Crossing: City Folk 欧版名:Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City 其他常见中文名:动物之森 城市人、畅游城市 动物之森、动物之森 城市大家庭 开发者:任天堂情报开发本部第二组 ...
游戏介绍 Welcome to the friendly village of Animal Crossing! Every player's village is unique and it's up to you to decide how you spend your time there, and which characters you befriend. 信息来自官方 Nintendo eShop 商店网站,保留各项权利。