Your Wii games need to be installed to either a FAT partition or a WBFS partition on the drive. Most external drives come formatted as FAT32 and do not need to be reformatted for use with the loader. If you wish to format a drive to FAT32, this tool is recommended if you are using...
从今天开始,超级玛利欧银河2、新超级玛利欧兄弟wii和wii sports resort建议零售价只要29.99美金 The new price represents one of the many steps Nintendo is taking to provide shoppers with the best value and variety across all its systems through the en 分享16赞 wii模拟器吧 Scary菌💤 好兄弟们,想...
* download_all_styles = 0现在下 载完整覆盖 如果coverflow GUI模式被选中。二维图像 如果将下 载的完整下 载失败。 下 载地址:wbfs版本http://cfg-loader./files/cfg57a.dol[/hide] NTFS版本:http://cfg-loader./files/cfg57a-222.dol[/hide] 2010年4月6日10点更新:CFG V56C 更新内容: Bug fix for...
If you ripped games using your Wii and copied the files to your computer, you'll likely notice that the files are in WBFS format. This will need to be converted to ISO before you can burn it: Visit and download the free program. Run the installer after downloading it ...