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added fix for wii u users using WFL with IOS58 to ignore usb devices without an MBR or WBFS signature (a wii u formatted drive). thanks kcpants and wiidev/blackb0x. added option to 'Reset game settings to defaults' for wii, emunand, and gamecube games. ...
用管理员权限打开Zadig,选择“Option”->"List All Devices". 2.再打开的列表中找到你的蓝牙设备,我的是:“英特尔(R) 无线 Bluetooth(R)” 3.将其中的驱动使用 “libusbK (v3.0.7.0)”替换,点击“Replace Driver 45025 零红蝶吧 love深红MM 官方新版WII模拟器【月蚀的假面中日双版】【真红之蝶】下载+教程...
Quick history lesson: In the past the Wii used a file format and disk drive format calledWBFSwhich offered incredible compression of Wii game files but the drive couldn't be read directly on a PC. These days you can use a normal FAT32 hard drive to store your Wii games, opening up th...
Wii模拟器Dolphin再迎更新,这次版本号为3.5正式版的模拟器更新了许多我们期待已久的功能——其中包括网络支持和wbfs支持等,玩家们可以欢呼了。下面我们带来3.5稳定版的下载以及更新列表,一起来看一看吧! 1、GC网络支持:现在可以在线玩Dolphin了!支持NGC主机的BBA(以太网适配器)模拟,包括《马里奥赛车:双重冲击》8人模式...