New on Wii U eShop (US) SpheroidsEclipseReleased on January 5th, 2017 Bit Dungeon+DoloresReleased on October 13th, 2016 MahjongSanukReleased on October 13th, 2016 Swap FireMidnight StatusReleased on August 17th, 2016 Tachyon ProjectEclipseReleased on May 12th, 2016 Live comments spleefian said:act...
New on Wii U eShop (US) SpheroidsEclipseReleased on January 5th, 2017 Bit Dungeon+DoloresReleased on October 13th, 2016 MahjongSanukReleased on October 13th, 2016 Swap FireMidnight StatusReleased on August 17th, 2016 Tachyon ProjectEclipseReleased on May 12th, 2016 Live comments spleefian said:act...
(一)新超级马里奥兄弟wii 任天堂switch上有《新超级马里奥兄弟U》,而他的前辈,就是《新超级马里奥兄...
Wii U HIGHLIGHTS The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Step into a world of discovery, exploration and adventure in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a boundary-breaking new game in the acclaimed series Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ...
Wii U Grab DK’s banana bunches back in a classic 2D platformer packed with thrills and spills. It’s Donkey Kong Country Returns on Wii! Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City Wii Create your own community and live the life you always dreamed of in Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the...
We're in the endgame now. The online servers for Wii U and 3DS are set to be taken down next week on 8th April and so we enter a phase of 'lasts'. Players have managed to crack the last legitimate level in Super Mario Maker, the last battles will be takin ...
再一次,它是关于指导迷你马里奥玩具的无情前进行程达到水平目标 - 但2013年的Minis on the Move的PipeMania风格游戏扭曲,你必须放置块来创建一个路径,已被装箱。它可以回到紧凑的2D平台游戏关卡,你可以在3DS的触摸屏或Wii U的游戏手柄上使用手写笔来刺激Minis行动,并收集和放置平台,传送带,弹簧和其他位置和bob一种...
The 2015 annual Game Usagi Plays Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament, will Logan and/or Chris be able to come out on top this year? You might be surprised! ► Subscribe it up: We recorded and edited in 60fps 1080p this year and Logan wasn’t as lazy with the editing!