The Balance Board, unlike the Nunchuk or Classic Controller, acts as a separate controller and does not need to be connected to the Wii Remote. The Board is capable of measuring the weight, balance, and movement of the player that is using it. The only Super Mario game that ever used ...
Amazon今日套装售价 $54.39,现货发售,经过半年的跳票,这个WIIU上的神作终于出了,配套的游戏软件还较贵。任天堂Wii Fit系列是集游戏和健身为一体的设备,自从2008年推出以来就受到了众多用户的欢迎。Wii Fit U是
In the Wii Fit series, the Wii Balance Board also functions as a character, complete with voice and personality. As a character, he helps encourage players to do their best. Although designed for use with Wii Fit, the Balance Board saw use in a variety of third party titles in a ...
An Alternative to the Balance Error Scoring System: Using a Low-Cost Balance Board to Improve the Validity/Reliability of Sports-Related Concussion Balance... Objective: Recent guidelines advocate sports medicine professionals to use balance tests to assess sensorimotor status in the management of concu...
例句 释义: 全部,平衡板,平衡器,平衡运动 更多例句筛选 1. Wii Fit is the title of the disc that comes with the Wii Balance Board, a sturdy platform on which you perform your routines. 其中的Wii平衡板是个坚固的踏板,你可以在上面做一些常规动作。 gz.xdf.cn必应...
As soon as a Wii Balance Board is found (by pressing the SYNC button on the device) it will establish a connection to it. The application will then quickly calculate the initial zeroing. At any time you can click the 'Zero' button to do manual zeroing of the scale. Below the weight ...
Portable, low-cost, objective and reproducible assessment of muscle strength in the lower limbs is important as it allows clinicians to precisly track progression of patients undergoing rehabilitation. The Nintendo Wii Balance Board (WBB... MG Jorgensen,S Andersen,J Ryg,... - 《European Geriatric...
wii fit (balance board)开发lib库.h文件及dll(C++ for Win) 从wiiuse v0.12库基础上开发,添加了wii fit相关的函数。DDK编译生成,源码网上有,我只是编译了一下方便大家调用,这样大家就不用装DDK了,此库可直接用于编程。要求:电脑端蓝牙已开启或接通,按Wii Fit电池盒中的“同步”按钮后立即用电脑搜索设备,添加...
本发明公开了一种基于Wii Balance board的平衡性检测方法,经过严格的筛选条件选出合格的受试者进行试验,使用WBB采集受试者实验前后不同姿势的平衡信息并通过matlab程序记录下来.选择相同量的记录数据进行中心化处理,对处理后的数据计算相应的平衡指标,计算完成后得到不同指标的实验前后变动量,再结合受试者的晕动等级...
Test-retest Reliability of Sit-to-Stand and Gait Assessment Using the Wii Balance Board BackgroundLower limb weakness is an important risk factor for fall accidents and a predictor for all-cause mortality among older adults. Unilateral whole-l... 승례 양,유리 오,예림 전,......