Speed test of your wireless network rather that your router connection Considering Vodafone reckons I’ve got 70mbps to my router which is 15mbps more that I should get I’m uncertain as to what this app actually does. To me this only tells you what speed you are getting wirelessly from...
可以通过这个类获得一些已经连通的wifi 连接的信息获取当前链接的信息,这里信息就比较简单了,这里简单介绍一下这里的方法: getBSSID() 获取BSSID getDetailedStateOf() 获取客户端的连通性 getHiddenSSID() 获得SSID 是否被隐藏 getIpAddress() 获取IP 地址 getLinkSpeed() 获得连接的速度 getMacAddress() 获得Mac ...
wifi信号的不好,网速慢,wif +1 分享39 路由器吧 sz520sky [求助] 无线wifi 如何跑满 100M 网速?使用360p3路由器,电信100M带宽。 在路由器端能跑满,实测下载速度18M/s. 在客厅里也能跑满,5G连接速度几乎是满速的,电脑在房间里只有3格信号,实测下载速度只有5M/s到6M/s. 如果买个路由器中继5G信号,能否...
Populære alternativer til Speedtest by Ookla inkluderer Fast.com, SpeedOf.Me, TestMy.net, Internet Health Test og SpeedSmart. Hovedårsagen til, at Speedtest by Ookla har fortjent vores anbefaling, er, at den har servere over hele verden, hvilket sikrer høj præcision af dens ...
只能用wifi听 离线也是 16赞 appletv吧 蓝辰陌 ATV 2022 64 wifi版网速问题交流我的是2022 64gwifi 版,家里用的千兆网线,用speed test测速为什么才四五十mbps,手机可以跑满,而且atv测速上传比下载还快 分享215 iphone吧 摸奶必须怀孕 哪位大神知道苹果Xs Max的重启数据分析中这个wifianalyticsd.cpu_resource啥...
they made it worse. This one router is a savior for my internet speeds throughout the home. I should also mention that the app for this router is amazing to say the least. It even allows you to test the speed for each area of your home as often as you like. There is never a gue...
WiFi协商有866Mbps(看图一),用Speed test测速平均只能达到280Mbps(看图二)。用另一台find x测试每次都能跑到宽带550-580Mbps 想问下你们的note8无线速率最高能跑多少?5GWiFi开关在哪里打开?总而言之跑不了很高,欢迎讨论。 分享92 三星s10吧 沉默nnnnnaaa s10+WiFi连上不能用WiFi连接上之后就会显示这个,电脑...
分享112 appletv吧 蓝辰陌 ATV 2022 64 wifi版网速问题交流我的是2022 64gwifi 版,家里用的千兆网线,用speed test测速为什么才四五十mbps,手机可以跑满,而且atv测速上传比下载还快 分享215 wifi共享大师吧 排三到海 WIFI共享大师卸载后,仍然会被校园端检测到的情况,请看这里。如果有问题可以在此贴后留言。 245...
Urbanspoon provides information on nearby restaurants, Runkeeper is a map-based fitness tracker and Sky Sports provides sports news. The Lottery app is used to check numbers from the UK’s (age-restricted) national lottery, and implies a positive disposition to gambling. Real Estate apps provide...
Check your Sky Speed Guarantee → If you’re a Sky Broadband customer, you canuse their online toolto test the download speed to your hub. If it falls below the minimum guaranteed speed for three days in a row, you can apply for a credit on your account that’s equal to one month ...