4.1 使用在线速度测试工具(Using Online Speed Test Tools) 有许多在线工具可以帮助用户测试WiFi速度,例如: Speedtestby Ookla:用户只需访问网站,点击“开始测试”,即可查看下载和上传速度。 Fast.com:由Netflix提供的简单速度测试工具,专注于下载速度。 4.2 使用移动应用测试速度 (Using Mobile Apps to Test Speed) ...
Ookla 在「Utilities」類中排名第 51 4.4 • 2,008 則評分 免費 提供App 內購買 截圖 iPhone iPad Apple TV 簡介 Use Speedtest® for a quick and easy WiFi and internet speed test. Accurately test your cell network or WiFi speed anywhere thanks to our global server network. Explore mobile ...
Ookla 在「Utilities」類中排名第 58 4.4 • 2,038 則評分 免費 提供App 內購買 截圖 iPhone iPad Apple TV 簡介 Use Speedtest® for a quick and easy WiFi and internet speed test. Accurately test your cell network or WiFi speed anywhere thanks to our global server network. ...
2) 切换到“性能”标签页,点击左下方的“以太网”或“Wi-Fi”按钮。3)在弹出的网络状态窗口中,你可以看到实时的网络速率数据。四、使用手机应用程序 如果你更习惯使用智能手机进行操作,那么可以在应用商店中搜索并下载一些评价较高的网络速度测试应用,如Speedtest by Ookla、FAST VPN Speed Test等。这些应用...
Step 1: Use an Online Speed Test Tool You'll first want to get a ballpark figure of your day-to-day broadband speeds for comparison. Nowadays, Internet speed tests, like this one fromOokla(below) are plentiful and highly accessible. These tools help you check your download and upload speed...
四、使用手机应用程序 如果你更习惯使用智能手机进行操作,那么可以在应用商店中搜索并下载一些评价较高的网络速度测试应用,如Speedtest by Ookla、FAST VPN Speed Test等。这些应用通常会提供一键测试功能,并且能给出详细的测试报告。操作流程大致如下: 1)在手机应用商店搜索下载合适的测速应用。 2) 打开应用并确保Wi-...
Speed test from ookla shows I have a 55mbps download speed yet my actual download speed is a few kbps. Must-have manager for the Wifi hotspot apps You can also manage the Wifi hotspot apps with Dr.Fone - Phone Manager on your phone. ...
Ookla #42 in Utilities 4.3 • 4.5K Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Apple TV Description Use Speedtest® for a quick and easy WiFi and internet speed test. Accurately test your cell network or WiFi speed anywhere thanks to our global server network. ...
SpeedSmart Internet Health Test Testing your WiFi speed with your phone There are dozens of mobile apps available in the iOS and Android app stores. But which one is the right one for your needs? A good, broad-scope app is the Speedtest by Ookla app, available for bothiPhoneandAndroid. ...
You easily can keep tabs on your Internet speed -- both cable and wireless -- by going to a speed test website. TrySpeed Testby Ookla orFast. Use these sites or others to monitor improvements in your home network's performance.