有用户反馈:自己win7系统电脑安装了Intel英特尔PROSet/Wireless Software无线WiFi驱动,使用系统卸载后,无法确定Intel英特尔PROSet/Wireless Software无线WiFi驱动是否依然存在残留文件,想了解是否有更方便简单的方法,能确保Intel英特尔PROSet/Wireless Software无线WiFi驱动可以彻底卸载清除,由于担心如果存在卸载不了或者卸载有残留的...
WIFI_MWT_SoftwareIntel® My WiFi 技術 WIFI_UIIntel® PROSet/無線軟體 WiFi 連接公用程序 WIFI_PROSetIntel® PROSet/無線軟體企業軟體 WIFI_Admin_Toolkit管理員工具組 使用Microsoft Windows* 安裝程式套件 (.MSI) (僅當嚴格要求在企業環境中使用組策略/Active Directory 的 MSI 檔時才建議使用) ...
Intel英特尔PROSet/Wireless Software无线WiFi驱动16.11.0版For Win7-64(2014年3月27日发布)Intel英特尔PROSet/Wireless(无线)系列现有三款产品,分别为Bluetooth、WiMAX、WiFi,Intel作为最流行的无线网卡供应商之一,Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi软件最为人熟知。
Antamedia WiFi HotSpot for Windows 7 is the most feature-rich WiFi management software in the industry. It turns your PC into WiFi Hotspot controller that helps you limit user Internet speed and equally share your connection to all customers and engage t
; 优化 Wi-Fi 7 设置,设置信道宽带为160/240/320 MHz ; 启用 WLAN 自动配置 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wlansvc\Parameters\Interfaces] "AutoConfigEnabled"=dword:00000001 ; 设置信道宽度(这通常由适配器驱动程序控制) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion...
方法三、1)在键盘按下“win+r”打开运行对话框,然后输入regedit打开 注册表 编辑器;2)依次展开“HEKY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareClassesLocal ”项;3)然后把窗口右侧中的“IconStreams和PastIconsStream”删除掉,点击确定按钮保存退出即可。注销系统重启。Win7特点Windows 7的设计主要围绕五个重点——针对 笔记本...
PROSetEnterprise.msi (v17.1 or later) : Contains the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Enterprise Software for v17.1 and later for Windows 7/8.1 only You can also see how to install multiple MSI with Windows Installer’s Multiple-Package Installations, using msiexec Related...
HotSpot Software is the industry leading Guest WiFi solution for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Server with lifetime license and free support. Download Hotspot Free
5. Enable firewall: Ensure Windows Firewall is active for an extra layer of protection. 6. Use guest networks: If your router supports it, set up a guest network for visitors. 7. Disable remote management: Unless needed, turn off remote management on your router. ...
This software was originally created in 2009 using Virtual Wifi features that were newly introduced in the Windows 7 operating system. There were a couple improvements and releases made to the software with the most recent release in 2013. This software works well for what it does, and what it...