软件介绍 QR-CodeWIFI是一款非常简单且实用的本地wifi二维码生成工具,可帮助用户快速生成本地WiFi二维码,如今很多地方都可连接Wifi,但是大部分Wifi都需要输入密码才能连接,若生成WiFi二维码则不需要输入密码,直接用手机扫描二维码即可连接WiFi,使用起来更加方便,软件具备简洁直观的操作界面,旨在为用户提供最简单的操作,只需...
WiFi QR Code Scanner PRO offers the same functionality as the the regular version, but adds some extra features: - Retrieve the stored Wi-Fi profiles on your machine, display their details and generate a QR code to connect. This allows for easy transfer
WiFi QR Code Scanner allows you to scan and generate standard WiFi QR Codes. Scan using your webcam and instantly connect to that network. Simply hold a WiFi QR Code up to your webcam and click connect when scanned. Once scanned, the network will be save
WiFi QR Code Scanner allows you to scan and generate standard WiFi QR Codes. Scan using your webcam and instantly connect to that network. Simply hold a WiFi QR Code up to your webcam and click connect when scanned. Once scanned, the network will be save
一、安装导入QRCodeGenerator模块 首先,我们需要为Windows PowerShell安装导入QRCodeGenerator模块。方法如下:右键点击Win10开始按钮,选择“Windows PowerShell(管理员)”,输入并回车运行以下命令:Install-Module -Name QRCodeGenerator 期间提示需要安装导入 NuGet 提供程序,输入Y同意。然后提示是否从不受...
1 打开win10电脑,右击桌面左下角的开始按钮,选择“Windows PowerShell(管理员)”2 输入“Install-Module -Name QRCodeGenerator”并回车。3 输入“Y”并回车,同意安装导入 NuGet提供程序 4 输入“A”并回车,同意从不受信任的PSGallery存储库安装模块。5 输入“Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestrict”回车,然后再输入“...
1 右键点击桌面左下角开始,选择“Windows PowerShell(管理员)”。2 输入“Install-Module -Name QRCodeGenerator”并回车。3 输入“Y”并回车,同意安装导入 NuGet 提供程序。4 输入“A”并回车,同意从不受信任的PSGallery 存储库安装模块。5 输入“Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestrict”回车,然后再输入“A”回车,...
一、安装导入QRCodeGenerator模块 首先,我们需要为Windows PowerShell安装导入QRCodeGenerator模块。方法如下:右键点击Win10开始按钮,选择“Windows PowerShell(管理员)”,输入并回车运行以下命令:Install-Module -Name QRCodeGenerator 期间提示需要安装导入 NuGet 提供程序,输入Y同意。然后提示是否从不受...
WiFi QR Code Scanner PRO offers the same functionality as the the regular version, but adds some extra features: - Retrieve the stored Wi-Fi profiles on your machine, display their details and generate a QR code to connect. This allows for easy transfer
WiFi QR Code Scanner, free and safe download. WiFi QR Code Scanner latest version: A handy Wi-Fi-enabled QR code scanner. Scan the QR codes with your