核心功能3个函数就完成了,只用了**60行**Python代码! 下面就把它们串联在一起: 代码语言:javascript 复制 defmain():require_root()args=argument_parser()# The user chose to supplied their own urlifargs.url isnotNone:passwords=fetch_password_from_url(args.url)# user elect to read passwords form ...
wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi() # 使用第一个无线网卡 interface = wifi.interfaces()[0] # 开始扫描 interface.scan() for i in range(4): time.sleep(1) print('\r扫描可用 WiFi 中,请稍后。。。(' + str(3 - i), end=')') print('\r扫描完成!\n' + '-' * 38) print('\r{:4}{:6}{}'...
Hackfi Get default wifi passwords for VIVO and Claro Install python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt Usage usage: main.py [-h] [-i INTERFACE] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE Specify the network...
How to Hack WiFi Password In this practical scenario, we are going to learn how to crack WiFi password. We will use Cain and Abel to decode the stored wireless network passwords in Windows. We will also provide useful information that can be used to crack theWEP and WPA keysof wireless n...
windows wifi password python3 hacking-tool wifi-password-viewer networksecurity wifipasswords Updated Oct 1, 2023 Python Anak0nd4 / WifiExfiltrateDiscord Star 5 Code Issues Pull requests A simple powershell script to exfiltrate wifi passwords using discord. security rubber-ducky wifi wireless ...
$ python3 setup.py install 使用AUR 安装: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ sudo pamac build wifi-password 使用方式: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ wifi-password--helpusage:wifi_password[options]optional arguments:-h,--help showthishelp message and exit--show-qr,-show Show aASCIIQRcode onto the terminal...
Step 6: sudo phython setup.py install (install the python script, password might be required for non-Kali folks) Step 7: wifiphisher (this will execute the software.) Fern WiFi Wireless Cracker Fern Wifi Crackeris a Wireless attack software and security auditing tool that is written using the...
To hack WEP or WPA keys. Both these are very popular for wireless password cracking as well as network troubleshooting. 13 Best Free WiFi Hacking Tools For Windows 11 (Download) Wifite– Pentest Wifi networks This is a Python script that is designed primarily with the purpose of simplifying ...
网站:hashcat - advanced password recovery 教程:http://www.hackingtutorials.org/wifi-hacking/cracking-wpa-oclhashcat-gpu/ 7 Fern Wifi 破解器 Fern Wifi Cracker是用Python编写的无线安全审计和攻击工具。Fern Wifi Cracker是该列表中第一款专门用于无线破解攻击并具有图形用户界面的黑客工具。Fern 能够破解和恢...
Fern Wifi Cracker是用Python编写的无线安全审计和攻击工具。Fern Wifi Cracker是该列表中第一款专门用于无线破解攻击并具有图形用户界面的黑客工具。Fern 能够破解和恢复WEP,WPA和WPS密钥,并且包含了实现MiTM攻击的工具。 Fern Wifi Cracker可以在包含先决条件的任何Linux发行版上运行。Fern Wifi Cracker已经包含在了Kali ...