“Obtaining IP address”中文意思为“正在获取IP地址”,但是你已经能够正常访问网络,我推测是路由器的状态卡顿,已经分配了IP,但是却在发送反馈“状态”的信息时候没有及时更新正常显示的“已连接”信息,故在客户端显示“正在获取IP地址”。总而言之,连接的目的就为了上网,现在目的实现,无需深究太多。
Instead I see System stucks on "Obtaining IP Address" and Wifi doesn't connect. What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Froyo 2.2 eeepc Version on Asus Eeepc 901 Please provide any additional information below. - If I connect my lan cable in ethernet plug,...
OBTAINING_IPADDR 3 正在获取WLAN连接的IP地址。 CONNECTED 4 WLAN连接已建立。 DISCONNECTING 5 WLAN连接正在断开。 DISCONNECTED 6 WLAN连接已断开。 UNKNOWN 7 WLAN连接建立失败。 wifiManager.isConnected9+ isConnected(): boolean 查询WLAN是否已连接。 需要权限: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO 系统能...
连接成功以后还需要分配IP地址,才可以通信,这一节我们看一下IP地址的获取流程。 一、在ClientModeImpl中有一个函数startIpClient。这个函数会在俩个地方被调用,一个是连接的时候ConnectModeState,一个是连接成功以后进入ObtainingIpState。这俩个地方的区别就是isFilsConnection的不同,连接过程中isFilsConnection为true,...
mObtainingIpAddress= true; //发送启动DHCP线程获取IP mDhcpTarget.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_DHCP_START); } } else{ //使用静态IP,IP信息从mDhcpInfo中获取 intevent; if(NetworkUtils.configureInterface(mInterfaceName,mDhcpInfo)) { mHaveIpAddress= true; ...
对于许多人来说,使用wifi已经成为生活中不可或缺的一部分。而如果您想要连接新的设备或是对网络进行配置等等操作,您就需要了解该设备的IP地址。IP地址,也就是Internet Protocol Address 的缩写,是一种用于识别设备的数字标识。在使用wifi时,您可以在设备的设置中找到IP地址并用于连接其他设备或进行网络...
Network association process is successful in obtaining IP, Subnet, Gateway, and DHCP Server settings Then, wireless security process succeeds. Then, it appears from the simplified log that a test named ActiveHttpProbeSucceeded However, the result is a capability change: Capability: Internet Ch...
} 2.获取电池状态(UIDeviceBatteryState为枚举类型) 1 2 3 4 -(UIDeviceBatteryState)getBatteryStauts { return[UIDevice currentDevice].batteryState; } 3.获取总内存大小 1 2 3 4 -(long long)getTotalMemorySize { return[NSProcessInfo processInfo].physicalMemory; ...
When using the iPhone Personal Hotspot, connected devices occasionally fail to obtain an IP address, displaying “No IP address” in their network settings (e.g., on macOS). This prevents the devices from accessing the internet through the hotspot. The issue persists even after reconnecting or ...
IP Address can be defined as the unique numerical labels assigned to every electronic device connected to a computer network. The IP address allows the electronic devices to communicate with each other over the internet or a local network. ...