Guest WiFi offers more than just internet access for customers; it presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with customers directly and personalize their marketing efforts. Here are several innovative ways to leverage Guest WiFi for marketing purposes: Customized Landing Pages: Use the ca...
锐捷V5.2版(For Windows) 下载方式:广外首页-网络服务-校园网使用指南-客户端软件及使用手册-客户端下载 For Windows V5.2。下载完毕后锐捷客户端会自动升级。 具体操作如下图: 点击“网络服务” 点击“校园网使用指南”后选择“客户端软件及使用手册” 选择“客户端下载For...
WiFi for your guests FansWiFi sets up a plug and play WiFi hotspot for your customers and we make it easy for them to access it via social media and lead them to your page for more likes and traction! Build your customer database Upon accessing your WiFi, they will be put in a ...
地道的表达是:hotspot a public place where you can use a computer, mobile phone, etc. with wi-fi (= a system for connecting electronic equipment to the internet without using wires) (可接上无线宽带上网的)热点 There are w...
IMeanBiz.Com offers network service through our partner companies. Feel free to contact us for more information on available managed and unmanaged services. Whether they need to be locally based or cloud based. IMeanBiz.Com makes your business's success our top --and only--priority ...
随着近两年中兴为软银建设的4G AXGP高速网络覆盖到日本全国,中兴相继与软银联合发布了多款为其量身定制的4G终端产品,如2011年2月发售USB型的“超高速”数据卡“SoftBank 004Z”,6月发售Wi-Fi无线路由器“SoftBank 006Z”,7月发售超Wi-Fi “SoftBank 007Z”,以及11月发售企业级的“SoftBank 007Z for biz”...
This WiFiWebServer library is a simple yet complete WebServer library for AVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, Arduino SAMD21, Adafruit SAMD21/SAMD51, Adafruit nRF52, ESP32/ESP8266, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, etc. boards, using WiFi modules/shields (WiFiNINA, WiFi101, U-Blox W101, ...
业务异常处理使用统一的BizException处理。 use ModStart\Core\Exception\BizException; // 抛出一个异常 BizException::throws('错误信息'); // 内容为空时并抛出异常 BizException::throwsIfEmpty('用户不存在', $user); // 内容不为空时并抛出异常 ...
Experience the Difference of Internet Designed Around You. Tailored Solutions No one-size-fits-all here. We offer options for parents seeking online safety, work-from-home professionals needing rock-solid reliability, gamers demanding ultimate performance, and everyone in between. ...
Thanks to Michael H. "bizprof". With the impressive new feature : Enable scan of WiFi networks for selection in Configuration Portal. Check PR for v1.3.0 - Enable scan of WiFi networks #10 leading to v1.2.0Thanks to Valeria to provide the amazing fix to permit BLE auto-reconnect. ...