但很多设备默认使用热点连接模式(Hotspot / Access Point / AP Mode)[^1][^2],即设备本身作为 WiFi 基站,让手机、电脑去连他,如果用同一台手机去控制不同设备,可能就要来回切换 WiFi 频道,而且这些 WiFi 本身不连接互联网,手机连接后无法上网。 为了解决这些问题,我们可以把这些设备调成桥接模式(Station Mode)...
这个类主要是通过Wifi硬件的扫描来获取一些周边的wifi热点(access point)的信息。该类主要有5个域, 打印信息如下所示: WifiConfiguration类 通过该类获取一个wifi网络的网络配置,包括安全配置等。它包含6个子类,如下所示: 该类内容较多,不一一例举,需要用到的时候可以查Android SDK。 WifiInfo类 该类可以获得已经建...
Android WIFI系统引入了wpa_supplicant,它的整个WIFI系统以wpa_supplicant为核心来定义上层接口和下层驱动接口。Android WIFI主要分为六大层,分别是WiFi Settings层,Wifi Framework层,Wifi JNI 层, Wifi HardWare 层, Wpa_supplicant 层和 Wifi Kernel 层。 图1.1 Android WIFI 系统架构 Wifi Settings层 ---> Java应...
当用户在WifiSettings界面上选择了一个AP后,会显示配置AP参数的一个对话框。 showAccessPointDialog(state, AccessPointDialog.MODE_INFO); 1. 【连接】 当用户在AcessPointDialog中选择好加密方式和输入密钥之后,再点击连接按钮,Android就会去连接这个AP。 1 WifiLayer会先检测这个AP是不是之前被配置过,这个是通过向...
WiFiDirectLegacySettings.IsEnabled Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect Edit Gets or sets a value specifying whether "legacy mode" is enabled. When enabled, this mode causes this device to act as a normal Wi-Fi access point, and is intended to support...
WifiConfiguration config = mAccessPoint.getConfig; if(config.ipAssignment == IpAssignment.STATIC) { mIpSettingsSpinner.setSelection(STATIC_IP); showAdvancedFields =true; }else{ mIpSettingsSpinner.setSelection(DHCP); } //Display IP addresses
The number of pings to test if an access point is a good connection. This member is deprecated. This setting is not used. Java documentation for android.provider.Settings.Secure.WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_COUNT. Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and share...
WiFiSettings.hostname String Name to use as the hostname and SSID for the access point. By default, this is set to "esp32-" or "esp8266-", depending on the platform. If it ends in a-character, a unique 6 digit device identifier (specifically, the hexadecimal representation of the devi...
HUAWEI Offical Site provides technical support Find more about Changing and configuring the access point name (APN) for the HUAWEI Mobile WiFi with HUAWEI Support
STA模式:Station,类似于无线终端,sta本身并不接受无线的接入,它可以连接到AP(AccessPoint),一般无线网卡即工作在该模式,这是Wifi最基本的工作模式。 Wifi子系统架构 Wifi子系统架构图 Wifi架构解析 Wi-Fi App: 主要是开发者自行开发Wi-Fi相关功能的应用。通过调用Wifi SDK对外提供的API实现对设备Wi-Fi的控制及其...